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March Christmas and Holiday Planner

Purchase gifts and cards for April
Finish St. Patrick's Day plans
Start planning May graduations and other May parties

Mother's Day
Review budget. Plan gift list. If making home-made gifts, create a project page.

Plan menu for Mother's Day.
Gather recipes and make master shopping list
Mark non-perishable items

Ongoing Christmas newsletter: Make notes of events that occured in February.
Photo calendar: Plan March pictures you need to take for photo calendar. Develop or upload February photos.
Buy 1/10 of budgeted Christmas gifts or place money in savings.
Update Gift Chest list with new items you have purchased.
Home-made gifts: Refer to calendar for Christmas projects you should be working on now.
Christmas budget: Up-date budget.

Plan holiday food:
Locate recipes you would like to use for food gifts, Christmas meals, Christmas entertaining, Christmas baking and cookie swaps.
- Make list of needed supplies and mark non-perishables items.
_ Estimate when you will begin baking or making food gifts. Mark on calendar with pencil.

Home-made decorations
Decide on decorations you would like to make for Christmas. (tree ornaments, centerpieces, evergreen wreathes, cranberry garlands, etc.)
-Create a project page for each decoration.
-Mark needed supplies on Master Shopping list
-Estimated time need to complete. Mark start and end dates on calendar.

Buy green after St. Patrick's Day. Purchase green linens, fabric, foil wrap, etc. at after-holiday sales.


First week
-Work on handmade gifts/shop for gifts
-Work on handmade decorations.
-Continue to purchase items on the non-perishable list.
-Check with family for needed treats for school, church, or clubs.
-Baking: mix dry ingredients for each recipe and place in a plastic bag. Tape recipe to the bag. Make baking plan (when going to bake what). Mark on calendar.
-Clean glassware.
-Update Easter budget.

Second week
-Decorate for Easter.
-Clean/press Easter clothing.
-Make and freeze pastry shells for pies.
-Work on handmade gifts and decorations.
-Continue to purchase items on the non-perishable list.
-Check gifts for needed batteries. Make list and purchase.
-Update Easter budget.

Third Week
-Bake rolls and scones. Freeze.
-Make sure all dishes are clean. Do you have needed serving bowls?
-Write up menu. Note how long is needed to cook each dish. Make a cooking schedule.
-Continue to purchase items on the non-perishable list.
-Wash and press table linens.
-Work on homemade gifts.
-Update Easter budget.
-Follow baking plan.
-Review family activity plan for Easter. Purchase any needed supplies.

Fourth Week
-Purchase eggs for dyeing and deviled eggs early.
-Follow family activity plan.
-Update Easter budget.
-Follow baking plan.

2 days before:
-Purchase remaining menu items.

1 day before:
-Chop vegetables, nuts and cheese.
-Set table.
-Chill beverage.
-Dye eggs.
-Place dry ingredients for Easter dishes in a plastic bag. Tape recipe card to bag. Place in serving bowl with serving spoon.

-Set table.
-Thaw frozen rolls/scones.

Day of:
-Follow cooking schedule you made the third week.

Day after:
-Balance Easter budget.

© Lady PP's Heart of the Home 2005


Lady PP's web site "Lady PP's Heart of the Home" at is for busy moms. It is full of helpful information and links to other resources.
