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Please feel free to link to this site and/or any of the Heart of the Home Blogs:
Lady PP's Home Organization Blog ( )
Heart of Home Food Blog ( )
Heart of the Family Blog ( )


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Reprint Information

The following articles may be freely used in any family-friendly ezine, print publication or web site, as long as the resource box, and live hyper-link is included. Do not alter the article with exception of correcting grammar or spelling errors.

These articles may not be used in:
»Spam or non-solicited ezines or newsletters.
»in or on sites or newsletters that display or promote pornography, nudity, racial or religious hatred or promote anything that is illegal.

I would like to know if you use this article. Please e-mail with URL of site or copy of newsletter at The Lady PP.



Planning a Wedding Shower
Party Planner


January Holiday Planner
Basic Banners or Flags
Decorating Easter Eggs
Dying Easter Eggs
Easter Count Down
Easter Family Activities
Easter Tree
Cooking with Kids: Halloween Treats
Christmas Family Traditions: Advent
Christmas Family Traditions: Decorating

Kid's Crafts

It's a Fun Thing for Easter
It's a Fun Thing for Spring

Month-by-Month Checklists

Monthly check-list 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
January Checklist
January Gardening To-do List
February Checklist
April Checklist
April Checklist 2


Message Board and Newsletters

Would you like to offer your members a forum or a newsletter? Feel free to refer your members to my new message board or any of three newsletters. E-mail me the page(s) URL with the links to these services and I will include your site in my list of sponsoring sites.

Heart of the Home Forum

Heart of Home Food Newsletter A Yahoo Group:

Lady PP's Heart of the Home Newsletter A Yahoo Group

Heart of the Family Newsletter A Yahoo Group