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Resurrection Rolls

A cooking object lesson for children.


Crescent rolls
Melted Butter
Large Marshmallows

The crescent roll represents the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in. This represents Jesus. Have child dip the marshmallow in melted butter. This represents the oils of embalming. Then dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar. This represents the spices used to anoint the body. Then wrap up the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll. This represents the wrapping of Jesus' body after death.

Place in a 350 degree oven for 10 - 12 minutes. The oven represents the tomb--pretend like it was three days! When the rolls have cooled slightly, the children can open their rolls (cloth) and discover that Jesus is no longer there, HE IS RISEN! The marshmallow has melted and the crescent roll is puffed up, but empty.

*Recipe courtesy of family and friends.

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