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Saving Money The Old Fashioned Way!

by Barry Ferguson

Whatever happened to saving money the old fashioned way? Are we in danger of letting life's luxuries become our necessities? These are questions that have become the forefront of the new millennium thinking.

Do you prescribe to this theory? You may, without even thinking about it. Take a good look at your spending. Do things such as having hundreds of cable TV channels, TiVo, the health club membership, and that daily latte seem like your everyday occurrences? Chances are, you have become addicted to these things, and are shelling out a huge premium for them.

But, do you really need 500 channels? Or that health club membership? How about those daily latte's?

What has happened in recent memory, is how we have been told that we need these things without even questioning it. Have you found yourself wondering about these things? There has been a subtle shift in the American way of thinking and it has taken it's toll on our pocketbooks.

How much say do you have in your everyday spending?

Do your children want the latest video games? How about shelling out thousands of dollars to get season tickets to your favorite sports team or paying huge amounts to see your favorite stars in concert.

It seems our culture has become addicted to spending money for things that give a quick fix but do not last. It is here where we must stand back and take a good look at what we are getting ourselves into.

You probably remember hearing your parents talk about how they never had the things we have now. Well, it's true. They didn't. But they didn't have the bills we have. They knew how to be frugal. And yet, that idea has lost it's meaning.

I hear so many people saying that they want to enjoy life. They utter things such as "You only live once", or "I deserve it", or my favorite, "I work hard for it, I should be able to spoil myself!" These are just excuses for not taking financial responsibility for your actions. This is what puts consumers at a disadvantage.

Here are some suggestions to help ease the buyer's burden.

1- Ask yourself, "Is this a need or want?"

2- Can I afford this without putting myself or my family into debt?

3- Is there an cheaper alternative that will fulfill my desires?

4- Do I need this now or can I put it off till I have planned for the expense?

5- Are there more pressing needs that I must look at first?

6- What do I have to give up to be able to afford this?

Being a conscious money saver allows you to plan for each purchase. Most of the time, if you ask these questions, cooler heads will prevail and you will realize you don't need the item after all.

Don't let society dictate what you need or don't need. Base your purchase on your own criteria and stick to your decision. Just because everyone else has put themselves into debt to buy a 60 inch plasma TV doesn't mean you have to follow. Those that plan their purchases are the ones that will always have the money when they need it.

Be that person... whether it's old fashioned or not!

Barry Ferguson is known as "America's Saving Money Man". He is the author of two books called "How To Stop Wasting Money" and "The Saving Money Mindset", and has 15 years of practical, real world experience saving huge amounts of cash every time he shops! How much do you want to save?

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