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On Guard Against School Violence – Some Questions And Answers

by Laura Quarantiello
© 2004 Tiare Publications Group

Are more children being victimized at school than in previous years?

Contrary to media reports, the criminal victimization rates for children at school has declined or remained constant. However, reports show that violence, gangs, and drugs remain a problem at some schools.

What types of crimes are reported on campus?

The most common crimes are non-violent incidents such as theft or less serious violent crimes, however serious violent crimes such as murder, rape, sexual assault, suicide, physical attacks or fights with weapons, and robbery have been reported to police. The most common violent crime reported at the middle and high school level is physical attacks or fights without the use of a weapon.

Is bullying a problem in school?

Students do report being victims of bullies, with most bullying occurring in the lower grades.

Are high schools more prone to violent crime than other schools?

Middle and high schools are much more likely to report violent crimes than elementary schools. Non-violent property crimes such as vandalism are reported more often at the elementary school level. Public school students are violently victimized more often than private school students.

What is the leading cause of death at school?

Homicide tops the list as the primary cause of school-related deaths, followed by suicide.

What are the motives for school-associated deaths?

Interpersonal disputes are named as the most common motive, but gang-related activities, random victim incidents, romantic disputes, robbery, disputes over money or property and drug related activities were also cited.

Who is most likely to experience a violent victimization?

The victims of school-associated violent crime are most often students ages 10-17, and the majority of them are males. Teachers, school employees, and other people on or near school grounds have also become victims. African-Americans are more likely to become victims than are Caucasians.

Where do violent victimizations occur?

Most violent crimes happen outdoors on school property, while a significant number also occur inside school buildings. Violence also occurs on the way to and from school.

What time of day is most common for victimization?

One in five of all violent crimes with juvenile victims occur between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on school days.

Aren't children in the inner city more likely to be victims of school violence than others?

Students living in urban, suburban, and rural areas are equally vulnerable to school violence.

Do kids feel safe at school?

Children generally believe that school is a safe place, though some do report fears of being attacked at school or on the way to and from school. Some students avoid certain areas of the school because of fears for their safety. These fears often escalate for a time following reports of violent crime on campus. However, statistically, students are about two times as likely to be victims of serious violent crime away from school as at school.

Do students carry weapons to school?

A small number of students report carrying some type of weapon to school, though they are more likely to carry a weapon while away from school. An equal number of students report being threatened or injured with a weapon (gun, knife, or club) on school property.

(From Indicators of School Crime and Safety 2000, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics)

Laura Quarantiello is the author of "On Guard" – an essential handbook for families who want to increase their chances of keeping free of the creeps and crazies out there. For more information please visit:

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