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Simple Scrapbooking Tips & Ideas

by Tara Grant
Scrapbooking Loft

Scrapbooking is a great hobby and a wonderful way to preserve your photos with style! The art of scrapbooking is not hard at all! All you really need is a creative mind and the urge to create masterpieces! Once you have the general idea of scrapbooking down, use these ideas to create more meaningful pages!

Your Photos- The photos you use in your scrapbooking layouts will reflect the moment you want to save forever. Instead of having everyone pose for photos, try to take pictures without poses. The pictures you catch in action, also make great photos for layouts. If you use pictures that have been professionally taken or pictures that were posed for, try to also add some pictures that capture actions and faces, instead of all posed pictures.

Color Schemes- When you are selecting the color papers to use with your layouts, try to coordinate with your photos. This way you do not draw to much attention from the photos. When your pictures, paper, and embellishments coordinate with each other, your pages will stand out more than if everything clashes. If you have an idea for a layout and your pictures just don’t match, try to edit the pictures with any photo editor and make the pictures black and white, or sepia. These tones seem to work well with any color schemes.

Journaling- Once your page is complete, make sure you add your journaling! It is important to add your thoughts on the moments that were captured in the pictures. Journaling is a great way to express your feelings and a good way to save the memories for years to come. Journaling can be in the form of what was happening when the photos were being taken, where the photos were taken, your thoughts when you saw the pictures, or any thing that comes to mind when you think of the photos.

Article Written By Tara Grant, owner of The Scrapbooking Loft , , and . Tara is a mom of 2 small children, and an avid scrapper!

This article provided by the Family Content Archives

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