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Quick Spring Cleaning: Time and Organization Tips

By Michelle L. Casto

As Lao Tze said, “Time is a created thing. To say, “I don’t have time” is liking saying I don’t want to. You have all the time in the world to do what you really want to do.” In this busy modern world, time has been a commodity. How many times have you said to yourself, “If I only had more time, I would do such and such?” The truth is time is on your side, if you choose to use it wisely. With time, you have two options: use it or lose it. One way to conserve your time is to communicate effectively.

Written Communication
  • Take good notes.
  • Use an agenda on the phone and in person.
  • Use an appointment calendar/day-timer.
  • Have a rolodex or way to save business cards.
  • Have your goals written out and visible.
  • Throw out unnecessary papers.
Technical Communication
  • Respond to voice mails and emails immediately and discard when finished.
  • Use a computer to help you with your work.
  • Surf the Internet to conduct your research.
  • Utilize your beeper or cell phone.
  • Keep your technology to a minimum.
Oral Communication
  • Establish open communication lines with others.
  • Solicit feedback.
  • Actively listen to what is being said.
  • Strive to understand where he is coming from.
  • Empathize: put yourself in another person’s shoes.

Get Organized

Having good organizational skills saves time and energy because you have a system in place for managing your personal and professional tasks. Don’t get overwhelmed with paperwork. Read it and ask:Do I need this? Is this something I should know about? If yes, keep it. If no, throw it out. There is paper that requires action, paper that needs to be read, passed on or filed, and paper that just needs thrown out. Every six months you should review your hard copy and computer files and discard anything you have not needed or used.

Organization Tips
  • Use a calendar.
  • Keep important information (telephone numbers, addresses, emails) in your calendar/daytimer.
  • Keep your vision, purpose, and goals visible.
  • Carry your calendar with you for quick scheduling.
  • Avoid putting things off.
  • Start during peak performance time.
  • Break big tasks into smaller tasks.
  • Utilize technology for your work.
  • Delegate duties you aren’t good at.
  • Write and prioritize lists (have to’s and want to’s).
  • Eliminate interruptions and other unnecessary distractions.
  • Schedule your days, weeks, and months.
  • Plan how your day will be spent ahead of time.
  • Wake up ˝ hour early to get a jumpstart on your day.
  • Check your e-mail and voice mail at specific times of the day.
  • Learn to do two things at once (safely). For example, while drinking coffee in the morning, go through your mail. Or while on hold on the telephone, check your calendar or To-Do list.
  • With important projects, take your time and pay attention so you do it right the first time.

Prioritize what needs to be done and do the least enjoyable item first to get it out of the way.

If you take the time to communicate effectively and develop an organizational system that works for you, you will experience less-stress and feel like you have more control over your life.

Michelle L. Casto is a whole life coach, speaker, and author of the Get Smart! Learning book series. This article is adapted from new newly released book, Get Smart! About Modern Stress Mangement. Her coaching practice is Brightlight Coaching, she helps people come up with bright ideas for their lives and empowers them to freely shine their bright light to the world. Call for your complimentary session: (361) 949-0337.


The information contained above is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional.

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