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Spring Cleaning - Time and Relationships

by Susie Glennan
The Busy Woman, Inc.

While everyone speaks of Spring Cleaning your home, how long has it been since you’ve done some Spring Cleaning of your time and relationships? Relationships are so important, especially in these days of more work and less play. Taking time to do the things that bring you joy is another very important aspect of life.

When we start working so much that we don’t take time to smell the roses, (or in my case, the coffee), a sense of hopelessness and lack of purpose starts to set in. This is where people start to get more me focused due to rebellion. The typical phrase is heard across the land, “I’ve worked long and hard and for WHAT, to pay bills and have no fun in life?” Talk to people all over the world via the Internet and you’ll hear the same thing.

This is why finding our “purpose” is the key phrase this year. There are many new books on how to find your purpose in life. That’s because there’s such a growing need. While you’re pondering which book will truly help you find your purpose, why not start investigating what’s listed in your daily planner. Look at your schedule and see if there is anything scheduled that builds relationships. If that’s an area that is lacking, schedule in time to work on some relationships you’ve let slide. Choose to plan your time so that those relationships you value most have a place in your day planner. Start calling those people you adore and ask them out. This could be taking a friend for coffee to catch up on what’s been happening in “their” life, or it could be going out to lunch with your mother. I’ve been going on actual dates with my husband. While this has been a practice we’ve enjoyed for our 22 years of marriage, sometimes work gets in the way and we forget for a while. My youngest daughter and I have also started enjoying our time together. These are simple ways to build foundations for lasting and close relationships. If money is an issue, take a child to the park with a game or two you can play on the grass. For that matter, do this with your spouse too!

Have you scheduled in fun things to do that give you personal joy or pleasure? I enjoy going to Starbucks without having to rush, then going to one of my meetings. For “me” this is enjoyable social time. When was the last time you went to a concert in the park and spread out a picnic blanket? You might have to think back to when you were younger and did more fun things to come up with something you truly enjoy. Either way, just do it!

Do away with time wasters and robbers. Many time wasters are excessive TV, Email and Internet usage, and believe it or not, over-cleaning or organizing. Some people get obsessive! By following a plan of action, you can have more Me Time/FREE Time. Along your journey of scheduling in Me Time/FREE Time, you will get more of an idea of what your purpose is by noticing what you enjoy doing most. Ask yourself, “Does this feel right?” Notice if you’re so excited about something you feel almost euphoric!

If you find you enjoy serving meals at a local shelter and speaking with the people there, your purpose might be to go into the mission’s field. If you enjoy working with children, your purpose might be to become a teacher. Only YOU can find your purpose/calling in life by trying those things you think you might enjoy doing.

But you first have to take time to do some Spring Cleaning of your time and relationships. Only then will you be on your way to finding your purpose and living a more enjoyable life!

Copyright © 2004 Susie Glennan

Susie Glennan has been happily married since 1982, is mom to 3 teenagers, and is a Home Maker, Nurturer, Teacher, Competent Toast Master, Author and owner of The Busy Woman's Daily Planner®. She teaches time management seminars, offers FREE consultations with your order, and will help you set up a schedule that's right for YOU. You can reach Susie at or 800-848-7715

This article provided by the Family Content Archives

The information contained above is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional.

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