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How to Stay Motivated Day In and Day Out

by Peter Murphy

If I could tell you one thing to help you to be highly motivated this would be it...

Staying motivated requires a daily ritual.

In other words, motivation is not a one-time event. To stay motivated you need to do certain things each day to stay driven.

I was reading some tips recently - written by an extremely successful business man. He has risen to the top in two different and very competitive industries so I assumed he was one of those naturally driven people.

I was wrong.

Everyday he has certain rituals he counts on to keep himself motivated. Here are three tips you can start using today:

1. Spend at least five minutes a day on your goals.

Review your goals for the day and for the week. Then imagine them as already achieved in your mind. See the successful outcomes, hear people praising you, and feel the glow of success.

Do this each day and you will stay focused even when you have setbacks.

2. Meditate each day.

Take time each day to be still. Meditate, listen to relaxing music or find another way that works for you and give yourself some time just for you.

Turn off the TV, turn off the radio, let the phone ring out and take a break from the demands people place on you each day.

Use this time to reflect on what you are doing and on what you want to do next.

Very often, you will feel recharged and ready for action after even 10 minutes, And you will often come up with great new ideas for handling the problems you face.

This time invested in peace of mind will leave you feeling renewed. And the more time you put into this the greater the benefits.

3. Feed your mind positive information.

Make a point each day of reading a book or listening to a tape to learn something new.

Spending time on personal development each day will help to build your belief in what is possible for you.

In a world where so many people are negative we need to counteract it with positive input every day. Not just now and again.

One final point...

If possible do not tune into the news when you are waking up in the morning. Give yourself an hour before bombarding your mind with negative news stories.

You have all day to follow the news if you want to. Just give your mind a chance to focus before letting others direct your thinking.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report, the 5 Step Motivation Report. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

These self-help articles and links are for informational purposes only. If you are in a crisis or your problems are effecting your daily life, you need to seek the counsel of a mental health specialist.

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