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"What Are You Going To Be?" (a.k.a. How To Choose the Right Halloween Costumes)

by Charmaine Allen © 2004, All Rights Reserved

It happens every year about this time. One question floats through offices, schoolyards, and even daycare centers. "What are you going to be for Halloween?" While many times, the response is "I don't know," you'll also hear the occasional "I wanna be a ninja and Batman and an astronaut and Scooby Doo!" Hmm. that would be something to see!

How, exactly, do you choose the right Halloween costumes for yourself and your family? Whether you long to be something (or someone) ghoulish, playful, frightening, or pretty, here are a few tips that will help you select the right adult, child, and infant costumes for "Trick or Treat."

Make Your Halloween Costumes Fit Your Activities

Most often, you think of what you want to be instead of considering the physical aspects of Halloween costumes. While looking like an authentic pirate, Marilyn Monroe, or policeman might be first on your mind, you'll want to check out the physical aspects of the Halloween costumes you're considering to be sure they're the best fit with the activities you have planned.

If your night will consist of Trick or Treating outdoors with your kids, you might want to opt for the pants and flat shoes of a prisoner's uniform over the stiletto heels and sleeveless dress of a flapper costume. Planning on helping carry plastic pumpkins or bags of candy for the little ones? Instead of royal knight or pirate costumes (with a shield and sword) think of other options that keep your hands free. Will the weather be cool? Halloween costumes with long sleeves or those roomy enough to allow for warm undergarments would be your best bet. That way the only chills you get are from the frightfully good time you'll be having.

Will it be an indoor affair with a controlled environment and plenty of chairs? Then the sky's the limit! Short sleeves, long sleeves, heels, flat shoes. choose whatever you please.

Above all -whether you choose priest or pirate costumes - have fun!

Considerations for Infant Costumes

Choosing Halloween costumes for little ones takes special care. While infants might not have costume preferences, mom and dad do! From bunnies to bears to super heroes, the possibilities for infant costumes are practically endless. A few things to consider when making the decision about how to dress your little bundle include temperature (both outdoors and of your baby!) and mobility.

Take note of the forecasted temperatures in your area for the time the infant costume will be worn. You'll have to give some thought to how that relates to your baby's natural temperature and the material the infant costume is made of. Comfort is the goal. If your baby is naturally cold natured and you've chosen a fluffy, fleece Teddy bear costume, all should be well either on a cool night or indoors at a party. Bringing extra blankets (just in case) is always a smart idea.

Be Yourself. or Not!

Lastly, when choosing Halloween costumes, take advantage of the opportunity to break out of the norm and go a little wild. For those who are normally subdued, how about a change of pace with a tattered ghoul, wacky tourist, or pirate costumes? Usually pretty "out there" on a regular basis? Show your sensitive side with doctor, Renaissance, or angel Halloween costumes. When you take the time to match your style and your costume (and infant's costume) to the activities you have planned, you're sure to have a bewitching time!

Party America's shop for and accessories is now open and has dozens of creative ideas. Choose costumes for all ages, including infant costumes, and find decorations to create an inspired Halloween party. You'll be delighted with the selection and price plus you'll experience service that is simply a treat!