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Winter got you feeling down? Here are some remedies you can count on when you're sick

(NC)-With winter in full swing there is nothing like a bout with cold and flu to bring you down. Here are some tried and true suggestions to help your family cope when winter illnesses pay a visit this season:

A comfortable bed - When you are feeling under the weather, there is no place better than your comfortable bed. In order to fight the illness, your body needs rest, and the best place to get that is right in your own bed.

Chicken soup - "Feed a cold, starve a fever" is an old saying that many people grew up hearing. If you're not sure which category you fall into, you'll still need some form of nourishment to help fight off your illness. The comfort of chicken soup will warm you up and the clear broth will hydrate you without upsetting your stomach. Chicken soup is packed with nutrients that will restore your energy levels and help you fight your illness.

Crackers - If winter illness has you shying away from food, dry crackers are a safe choice. Not only will they help to settle your stomach, they will may also increase your strength to fight off the illness.

Anti-diarrhea medication - The symptoms of winter illness can range from coughs and sneezes to upset stomach and diarrhea. The myth that anti-diarrhea medications keep the illness in your body is simply not true. Recent clinical studies show that treating diarrhea with products like Imodium relieves the discomfort associated with diarrhea and do not prolong illness. Once you've treated your diarrhea symptoms, you'll feel well enough to eat foods that will give you energy, re-hydrate yourself with plenty of water, and ultimately, fight your illness.

Lots of fluids - One of the easiest ways to fight the battle against winter illness is to drink plenty of fluids. It is important to keep the body hydrated as symptoms like diarrhea can result in de-hydration. So try to drink a lot of fluids like water and fruit juices.

- News Canada

The information contained above is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice or a medical exam. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional before starting any new treatment. No health information on LadyPP's Heart of the Home, including information about herbal therapies and other dietary supplements, is regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor.

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