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Lady PP's Heart of the Home
Home Organization/Cleaning

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Weekly Check-list 3

Living and Family Rooms
  • furniture
  • lamp shades
  • wall hangings
  • picture frames
  • light switches and plug-ins
  • base boards
  • knick knacks
  • doors and door knobs
  • registers
  • tv
Clean finger prints on doors and walls
Clean telephone
Put away stacks e.g. toys, magazines, books, papers, etc.
Cull old newspapers and magazines
Vacuum/dust mop
Treat stains on carpets
Empty trash
Shake rugs
Run cleaning tape in VCR
Water plants

Cleaning Tips

Basements/Utility & Laundry Rooms
Dump trash
Remove cobwebs
Check softener salt
Run trash compacter
Wipe down appliances
Sweep/vac staircase
Spot clean staircase walls

Entry ways
Wash front storm door
Wash front interior door
Clean door glass and door knobs
Dust wall hangings and knick-knacks
Clean finger prints on light switches
Shake scatter rugs
Sweep and vacuum

Porch and Deck
Wipe tables
Wash storm doors
Clean off potting table
Throw away trash
Check grill and clean
Clean and sweep patio

Outside (non-garden)
Sweep sidewalks
Replenish bird feeders
Fill nectar bottles
Pick-up trash

Hallways/Stair cases
Dust mop boards
Dust wall hangings and furniture
Clean finger prints on walls and light switches

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© Lady PP's Heart of the Home