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Lady PP's Heart of the Home
Home Organization/Cleaning

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Weekly Check-list 4

Dining Rooms and Offices
  • furniture
  • lamp shades
  • wall hangings
  • picture frames
  • light switches and plug-ins
  • base boards
  • knick knacks
  • doors and door knobs
  • registers
  • remove stacks of papers, magazines, etc.
Clean finger prints on doors and walls
Clean telephone
Put away stacks e.g. toys, magazines, books, papers, etc.
Vacuum/dust mop
Treat stains on carpets
Empty trash
Shake rugs
Water plants

File warranties after sending
File misc. business papers
Cull magazines-clip and file articles
Pay bills. File in "budget" file. Track utility bills.
Balance check-book
Write letters
Make phone calls
Calendar planning for next week
Review goals and define goal of the week
Review dead-lines for projects
Do items in the "things to do" file
Defrag computer
Disc clean-up computer
Clean computer screen and keyboard
Up-date virus scan and spy-bots
Run virus and spy-bot scans
Dump internet cookies and temp files
Back-up important computer files
Note sales in sale tracking files
Note receipts/checks in financial categories on budget sheet
Keep a log of home and car repairs

Twice weekly
Brush cats and dogs
Change litter box
Brush cat's and dog's teeth
Clean houses, cages and beds
Birds-check and replace gravel, cuddle bones and perch paper
  • Measure pH
  • Siphon debris off bottom
  • 1/4 water change
  • Rinse fine foam filter
  • Add plant fertilizer with water change
  • Clean front and hood glass
  • Clean hood
  • Remove dead foliage and trim too tall plants

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© Lady PP's Heart of the Home