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Ray Comfort's Monthly Column

How to Witness to a Jehovah's Witness

But the gospel you are preaching is different than the one He preached. The Bible says that there's nothing you and I can do to merit Jehovah's favor .....(read more)

Kirk Cameron's Monthly Column

Rescue Hero

Before Katrina, I was walking toward my lunch table in a New Orleans seafood restaurant. The ocean breeze was refreshing, the smell of good food was everywhere, and the sky was beautifully painted with colored clouds and light .....(read more)

One Spirit Project/

Lighten Up
by Michael Angier

A long-time friend called me one day seeking some support. "Jack" was feeling stuck. He was going through a tough time in his life--financially, professionally and emotionally--and he was reaching out to a few trusted friends to gain more clarity. .....(read more)

Today at Heartlight...

Rev. Steve Ridenour

Easter... A Time of Forgiveness

He endured much pain, and suffering as He hung on that wooden cross, large nails driven through His wrists, and His feet. .....(read more)

One Spirit Project/

Honoring ALL Beliefs by Lisa Hepner

Most arguments or disagreements stem from having different BELIEFS. Here’s what usually happens--someone tries to convince you of his/her belief, then you try to convince him/her of your belief, .....(read more)

Luis Palau

Any Old Bush Will Do

For one of the last Multnomah chapel services before Pat and I went our separate ways for Christmas break .....(read more)

Weekly Christian Inspiration

What is Crucifixion?

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