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How to Create A Soothing Cottage Sanctuary this Christmas

by Jeanine Byers
Create Sanctuary

Are dark colors and elaborate displays just not appealing to you this season? Would a more casual, cottage style, rich with comfort, suit you better this year? Here are a few tips for taking it easy as you decorate for Christmas...

(1) Choose comforting and soothing colors.

Christmas decorations come in a variety of colors now. Choose from among the lighter, softer ones—light green, baby blue, ivory, even peach (poinsettias) all will help you create a more soothing environment.

(2) Less is more.

Avoid filling every space or overwhelming your space with decorations. Pick a few pieces here and there to display, pieces that speak to you or are meaningful to you in some way.

(3) Add comfort you can feel.

Plump pillows, thick blankets and rich, warm throws will greatly increase the overall sense of comfort in your space. Choose holiday prints or solids within your color scheme.

(4) Express your own style.

If, when you've decorated for the holidays before, you've felt a little separate or distant from your decorations, admiring them, but not feeling connected to them, that's probably because you abandoned your own personal style. We often decorate guided by some mental image that is not a reflection of who we really are.

This year, why not stay true to your style and choose only the holiday decorations that reflect it? If you love the cottage look, then, use that style as you decorate. Pine cones, wicker baskets, red-and-white tablecloths, berry wreaths or pine cone wreaths, plaid ribbons, throws or pillows, snowman accessories, etc.

Stay with what you love!

And create your own warm and cozy cottage Christmas retreat!

Jeanine Byers is an elemental harmony consultant and a certified healing coach who helps women create homes for their souls. Take her elemental home style assessment and sign up for her free 7-day e-course so that you can create a warm, welcoming, nurturing sanctuary and retreat. Go to

This article provided by the Family Content Archives

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