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A Christmas Theme for Your Room

Lata Budhrani
Dot Com Women

How about decorating along a theme this Christmas? Spice up your decorating projects for this Holiday season by using a theme.


Winter Wonderland
White and Icy Blue will do the trick. Use snowflakes, snowballs, snowmen to decorate around the room. Use white lights for the tree.

Use twigs of Holly to decorate bowls, gifts, vases, candles etc. Use holly-patterned fabric. Make a floating display using holly shaped floating candles. Use garlands of artificial holly for decorating the tree.

Lace, drapes, swags, bows and lots of greenery will work the magic. Place wreathes on windows, doors and walls and use swags of evergreen. Display your antique crockery and use antique ornaments for trees. Line up your showcases with some pretty 'Thomas Kinkade' Victorian villages. Use Victorian Dolls for decor.

Play with color. Use a Monochromatic or Combination Color scheme and use it all around the house in a creative fashion. For more on Color schemes, read A Christmas Color-Scheme for Your Room.

More ideas for Christmas themes are Toyland, Country, Old Fashioned, Around the World, Nativity etc.

Merry Christmas and Happy Decorating!

Lata Budhrani is the Founder/Editor of Dot Com Women, a premier women's website and online community. Visit her at

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