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Here is a super long survey... Have fun!

What is your full name?

What is your nickname?

What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

Who do you admire most?

Are you a daredevil? Yes No

Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Yes No

What was it?

Have you ever stolen anything?Yes No

Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?Yes No

What is your favorite movie?

Do you like sarcasm?Yes No

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?Yes No

Do you know what`sctief' is?Yes No

Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?Yes No

Would u rather seduce or be seduced?Seduce Be Seduced

Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes No

Current must-say phrase?

Current must-visit site?

What's your favorite board game?
Monopoly Life Candy Land Scrabble Risk Trouble

What's the first thing you think of first thing of the morning?

Favorite color?

Choclate or vanilla?

Storms..? Cool! Scary

If you could eat dinner with two people, dead or alive, who would it be?

Zodiac sign?

Do you eat the stems of brocoli? Yes No

If you could have any job you wanted what would it be?

Have you ever been in love? Yes No

What's under your bed?

Gandalf or Dumbledore? Gandalf Dumbledore

Glory or Long Life? Glory long life

Your email?

This webpage, all of its pages, and all of its contents and writing including stories, previews, reviews, etc. are copyright © Laurie Proveaux, January 2004.

Go back to the main page.

My favorite thing to do on the internet is to read fanfiction. What is fanfiction? Learn all about it and find out where to read it.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
My favorite manga and anime! Learn all about it. Find cute and pretty pictures in my gallery!

Lord of the Rings
My favorite book and movie in the whole world. I've got galleries, information, sound clips. Find out anything!

Here you can find all the assignements that I have for my web page class.

I love quizzes. I've taken what amounts to 95% of the quizzes on the internet. Here are some of them.

About Me
Just a brief section about my likes, dislikes and etc.

A little tribute to the winners of this years Academy Awards. Yay for Return of the King! 11 out of 11!!!

Top Ten
The wacky musings of my brother, Chris. Current top ten: Butt ugly guys with butt ugly moustaches.
I know, crazy!

Some of my favorite sites on the web! Chances are I'm on one of these sites right now.