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My Photo Album of Both Guys or With Others

One of my fave scenes of Merry & Pippin in FOTR

Here is a pic of them together, Billy wearing his kilt!!

Other pics: Sam, Pippin & Merry in bed in FOTR! Love this pic!!!Merry and Pippin talking to Treebeard
Billy nice beard and mustacheMerry and Pippin in tree looking at Sarumans army
Billy, Dom, Orli, Elijah, Sean Astin and LivDom and Elijah with such cute smiles
Hot Sexy HobbitsDom Elijah and Billy give a thumbs up
Could they get any hotter?? I think not!!Dom Elijah and Billy, such a cute pic
Dom and Billy very hot picture!!!Hotties looking tired!!
Hobbits~What about second breakfast?Merry & Pippin at Prancing Pony
Merry & Pippin talking to TreebeardPippin trying to convince Merry to go home
Merry & Pippin stickerPippin & Merry ~ The fires of Isengard will spread
Elijah, Orli, Billy & Dom at an appearanceMerry & Pippin in the Mines of Moria
Pippin & Merry, very cute!!Dom and Orli, Cute Smile Orli!!

To second pic page
Hot Hobbits Background!