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Mary Sue Fanfiction

Mary Sue--The generic name for any new character (usually female) who's a ego-stroke for the writer: she's beautiful, has amazing skills/powers, gets into a love affair with an existing character, or (usually) all of the above. Mary Sues often convince characters to hook up romantically, especially in slash. Good writers can write good Mary Sues, but this is not the norm. See fangirl and avatar for other variations. (From The Fanfiction Glossary)

Or, as some others call her, 'Spawn of Satan'.

Yeah, well... *instert long, juicy raspberry here* Mary Sue does not have to be hatefully perfect, and she damn sure isn't when she's my Mary Sue. Anyway, you've been warned, so if you can't handle it, skip this page. Don't bother to send flames because I've dared to let these stories off my hard drive. This is my site, I can do what I want. *nyah* Last time I looked, I wasn't holding a gun to anyone's head (though I could probably come up with a list, if pushed).

The Proverb Series
A trip through one woman's MarySue universe. One author, dozens of horny characters. You do the math.

A Marysue romp through the Xenaverse.  For some reason Ares has snatched Scribe into ancient Greece.  Can she figure out why while dodging horny gods and demigods, and working as a matchmaker for a certain dorky, but sweet, wannabe warrior?

CSI: Gorgeous Stud, or Someone Else With the Initials G.S.

A MarySue romp with my favorite sexy lab rat--Greg Sanders, of CSI. And I'm even going to throw in some plot, how's that? I spoil you guys.

Scribe Mozelle, a typical (or not so typical) fan girl finds herself marooned in an Alternate DC Universe, and discovers that there was a hell of a lot going on between the panels in those comic books. Is she corrupting them, or are they corrupting her?
The Opening of Jim and Blair's Secret Toy Chest
At the behest of my My Mongoose Ezine listsibs, I make a sneak trip to the Sentinelverse for an expose` and, uh, get exposed. *grin*
Graveyard Shift
Answer to a challenge on the AresJoxerCupidStrife list--have The Boys in your home setting.
And Which Reality Is This Again?
Yes, I was finally sucked into the Harry Potter fandom. Snape doesn't stand a chance.

A list for anyone who likes to write or read Mary Sue fanfiction.
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