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New Age Arda

Rules, Guidelines and Joining:



Rules: Yes, Even this place has to have them. Generally don' t act like an idiot and you're fine, but here are some guidelines:

1. This is an adult community, meaning that you may encounter situations of slash, and other sexual content. If the idea of men shagging each other offends you, or if you have parents who would accuse us of corrupting you with such activities then you're probably better off not joining.

2. Given the nature of the time setting, and the plot of the game itself (exploring the relationships of Tolkien's characters in a modern world setting) Original Characters are HIGHLY discouraged. If you MUST play one, talk to me, or an admin and we will SEE...Consider minor characters first, look in the appendixes, Silmalrion and Appendixes of the books for more ideas. If a character was dead during the books, etc, it doesn't matter now. Everyone is fair game.

3. Keeping Rule Number Two in Mind, you are NOT bound to Canon in terms of relationships, Job titles, etc. Frankly, if Aragorn wants to be King, President or even a Park Ranger, it's up to his mun.

4. You will need to create a journal for this game and to get an AIM screen-name as those are the primary places we will be interacting. Please try to update your journals fairly often so that we are kept abreast of what's going on in your character's life.

5. There are no official AIM chat times as of yet, but you are free to chat with other muns whenever you wish to and both are on. Generally if a lot of you are on, I will start a chat so that we can all interact.

6. ALL Chat sessions should be posted so that the muns know what is going on and can plan accordingly. Keep in mind that mun knowledge is NOT Character knowledge. For instance, lets say Grima and Faramir plot to humiliate Eomer at his next horse show...Eomer of course would have no idea this was going on, and so be able to fall for it, but as his mun, I would have known, and been able to go along with the plot responding to it accordingly. When posting these chat sessions, or large graphics please for the love of Bema use a cut tag. Additionally, if the content being cut contains material of a questionable nature please label it as such. Not everyone wants to see lewdness all the time...(I don’t know who those people are but...)

7. That said, it is generally a good idea to ask permission of another mun before you do something to their character. If you don't...well just remember that payback can be a bitch...

8. So called "Spawn" characters (ie, the non canon children of characters) can get out of hand if left unchecked and unbalanced. Therefore I am establishing a policy of one "spawn" per mun, as long as you clear it with me first and work to keep the character from turning into a Mary Sue/Marty Stu.

9. If you have a problem with another mun, for the love of Bema, do NOT use your character to attack his/her's as a way of dealing with the situation. Attempt to discuss the situation amongst yourselves or to talk to me if things get really bad and we will try to work out a solution.

10. Death can occur...although I don't recommend killing another character without permission of the other mun. And not without it's consequences...(more on that later)

11. No Character Hoarding. Basically don't take more characters than you think you can handle. At the moment, I am imposing a four character, and one "Spawn" (if necessary) limit per mun. And try not to take all main characters either. One or two is fine, three or four is not.

12. If you can't follow these rules, or for any other reason create problems among muns, you CAN be removed from the game. I honestly don't see this happening but I wanted to make it clear from the start.


1. Email,

Please Tell me:

Character you are interested in playing and his/her real world career

Email Address

AIM Screen-name:

A small writing sample (1-2 paragraphs) as your character.

Once you have been approved, email or IM me with your journal user information so that I can add you. Please include your email and aim screen name again. If you need a kode to create your journal, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Death: So, you've died have you? Well brush up on that Tolkien Knowledge my friend, because you're going to need it. When you die, you are taken to the Halls of Mandos. In order to leave, and to regain your bodily form, you must first participate in a little game...and nothing is guaranteed: On the Saturday or Sunday making the end of a gameplay week in which characters have died...all who request a resurrection must first take part in a trivia challenge issued by the Steward of the Halls. But only one character may walk away...while the others are left to take their chances later on. Sign up with your Steward if Death occurs...and then take your chances.

Contact Info:

GM: Sar

AIM: CaptFaramir
