Niere's Narratives
Well hello there! Welcome!! This site is a collection of fan fiction written by me, Niere. It is essentially LotR fiction, but you never know when I may branch out into other things. I hope your stay here is a pleasant one. If so, let me know, I adore feedback. If you feel you must flame, go for it! Tearing them apart in psychology is a blast!
Oh yes, you must note any warnings. Some (ok, a lot) of my stuff is slash. If you don't know what that means, it means that the main characters are male, and they are in a relationship with each other, possible even a sexual one (depending on the tale)! If this squicks you, don't read: NOTE THE WARNINGS!!
Not all of my stuff is slash, however. Some of it is extremely cute, and perfectly suited for children, if you so desire for them to read them. (The cute stuff was beta'd by an 8-year old, and he loved them!)
Everything has a rating. My rating system is as follows.
G - suitable for everyone (but beware the warnings!! It may be a slash story!)
PG - mild violence/sexual situations
PG 13 - stronger violence/sexual situations
R - extremely violent/strong sexual situations
NC-17 - GRAPHIC SEX (I don't do graphic violence!)
DISCLAIMER: The Lord of the Rings characters and locations belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and his heirs. I am just having fun putting them into situations that they never would have thought of. I make nothing from this monitarily, just the satisfaction of seeing them do what I want them to and (hopefully) a well-written tale.
Enough preliminaries! Browse the site and tales, and enjoy!
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