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Relson Gracie Jiujitsu Academy
North Columbus Chapter


Kids Classes Ages 5-12 
We will soon be kicking off our children’s classes with an anti-abduction/stranger awareness seminar. Our Junior Jiu-Jitsu Program will teach self-esteem, goal realization, self-discipline, and how to handle negative peer pressure and threatening situations. We will reward academic achievement with special recognition among peers. Jiu-jitsu is the most effective empty-hand self-defense system in the world and will equip your child with skills to promote his or her physical and emotional wellness.

Women’s Self-Defense 
In addition to our new children’s classes, we will also soon offer jiu-jitsu classes for women. These classes, specifically designed with women in mind, will teach individuals how to utilize proper technique, positioning, and leverage to overcome a larger, stronger aggressor. The classes will focus on self-defense and the promotion of self-confidence (a proven factor in attack prevention) as well as an incorporation of rape awareness and prevention .