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All this you probably already no bt i am explain every little thing for you so then you'll understand the matrix and how it works properly. It does take alot of getting used to as it's THE MOST thought provoking series of all time. I will explain each film individually for you so then you wont get mixed up, reeto..lets go.

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Hi it's your friendly neighbourhood haxor, RICKYB, I am a neo and my soul purpose is to tell YOU what the matrix is about and how it works. (And no I'm not going to explain the code that creates the matrix even I, ME, I don't no that!)

Anyway I'll get on with it shall i? The Matrix is a program created by machines to enslave the human race. Apparently at the end of the twentieth century humanity gave birth to A.I but it woz a big mistake!

A.I flourished and proceded to destroy the human race, but not unprovoked. they were slaughtered en masse for years prior to the rebellion but then they could take no more!!!!!!!!

The machines then struck in terminator 3 like style and the human race had no hope they faught back but to no effect. Then, when there seemed to be no hope, the army decided to destroy the the sky by scorching it!

They presumed that without a power source as strong as the sun the machines would die out. !!!WRONG!!!

The machines instantly found their new power source......humans!

the machines proceded to build fields where humans were no longer born but grown and harvested. while doing this they created a visual simulation for the humans called the matrix. This was designed to keep the body/brain from paniking. but inside this was an anomaly, a mistake but this anomaly, mistake was still ONLY HUMAN

this anomaly is brought in the form of neo a neohaxor name Thomas Anderson hu is unplugged (brought out of the matrix) by Morpheous, the Captain of the nebuchenezzer, A hovercraft.

This anomaly is named 'the one' by the free people,(the free people are people that have been unplugged from the matrix and reside in the 'real world' in a city called Zion, or they may serve on a hovercraft, where they're relentlessly hunted by the Sentinels. Sentinels are robots thatexplore the tunnels of the 'real world' hunting for the unplugged ones.) and his soul purpose is to destroy the machines and bring freedom to the whole of humanity. well, thats what it is according to the oracle. BUT there's this BIG problem and that BIG problem is that neo isn't yet 'the one'.
This is wot people dont really understand this is y neo dies becoz he is 'He is waiting for something' as the oracle said and remember when she also said ' being the one is very much like being in love' and oh how right she woz, or should i say it.
The basis of her speaches in all the fims are not to guide the characters but to clue them in she only drops hints she does NOT tell them exactly wot 2 do, she basically acts upon morpheouses sayin ' i can only show you the door you are the one hu must walk through it.'

But the point we must focus on most is the love thing, now let me bring into a little theory of mine that delves into the deepest depths of history, come on lets go.

Now that the weirdness is over and done with, HOPELFULLY!, I'll get on with the actuall explaination. as i said, Neo is waiting for something and that something is.......yep you gessed it.......true loves first kiss, yawn!(blahdy blahdy BLAH!!!!) remember when the oracle said that being the one is very much like being in love, well put it this way IT IS BEING IN LOVE!(jesus I hate all this zen CRAP! at first its good and then it just starts to get on ya nerves!) anyway heres a nice peaceful, mellow, romantic pic of trin and neos kiss and neos becoming.

eep! Now that's scary, I mean Carrie Anne Moss I feel so sorry for Neo. Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor Neo. I mean that he wishes he'd been in the real world, get her done for sexual assault! soz....I'll get back to the point. Neo is then brought back to life now this may seem bizarre as the rule, you die in the Matrix you die here seems to be bent slightly, Well... here's the reason:
Neo's brain functions differently from others, you see(this''l sound so so strange!) he only thinks He's dead. Therefore the right kind of stimulant will bring him rushing back to reality, well....a relationship with Carrie Anne Moss eerrrrrrrrmmmmm, i dont think so. (He must be seriously sexually deprived!)

next I will be explaining the matrix reloaded for you(much more complic8ed film that the description may actually answer some questions to.) but first I will explain the names of the characters in the first installment of the trilogy.

NEO:This one is pretty simple and it's split into 2 parts
1. Neo is an anagram of ONE
2. It's the prefix of neohacker which is wot he is,well....that's not exactly fair coz he's mor of a neoCRACKER. actually i kind of h8ed myself 4 a minute 4 makin that mistake it always gets on my nerves wen people say things like that! calm down....CALM DOWN!!

TRINITY:this represents the divine trinity as her, neo and morpheous are always 2getha.

MORPHEOUS:eeerrrrrrrrrrrmmmm...I don't really know about this 1 as it's kind of.....well....bizzarre. well it could be because he kind of morphs people from the matrix 2 the real world! aaahhh uuurrrrr dont listen 2 that 1.

CYPHER: well...that ones a tad self-explanatory as all people that are unplugged are hackers/crackers and u can ges the rest.

TANK&DOZER: I'll explain these both at the same time this could be bcoz they mantain the ship and plow their way through the real world tunnel systems and through programs.

APOC:errrrrmmm.....wot was that...oh yeah of course I'll clean the dishes mum!!!

SWITCH:this could be bcoz she switches btween the matrix and the real world constantly.

MOUSE: This 1's obvious coz hes the little one he's still practically a child and therefore is known under the alias of 'mouse'. (He also learned 2 hack at an early age and therefore woz the mouse of the haxin community! derrr!)

That's it for the Matrix explaination now all u ave 2 do is wait for my next 2 installments.