Who Exactly is RivLee? God only knows. My own mother couldn't tell you. That is besides the point.

As of right now, I am a history graduate student going for a thesis. What do I plan on doing with a history degree you ask? No idea, but if it wasn't a history degree it would be an English degree. I have one history degree from my undergrad It's nice and shiny on my mother's wall, and so for that's all it's been able to do.

We all know our strengths and weaknesses, and I know that I can not perfrom well in Math. Nor write without a spellcheck, because while hooked on phonics did work for me, it's led me to a life of crappy spelling. That's what happens when you change school districts in the middle of your grade school education, right when you're learning how to spell things correctly.

Yes, I am a fanfic writer. I have been posting my work online since the summer of 2002. And yes, I do write Lord of the Rings fanfic. And yes, some people may call my characters Mary-Sues. And yes, I feel the urge to send them to the 7th level of Hades. However, please do not judge my work until you have read it in full. That is a rule of mine when reading others works, and I wish others would have that same rule when reading mine. There are original characters, but if that's all you use to define a Mary Sue....that's a problem. And if you go down the "special power" road, well, I mean, it is Lord of the Rings, probably an elf, and damn it, they seem to have "special powers."

Yes, I am a typo Queen. I try my best to find all of the typos in my work, but alas, I usually fail at that task. One day I will have a beta reader. Let us prayer for him, her, or it.

Yes, I do curse. Except during Lent, every year, where I give it up for Forty Days, and will continue to do so until I do not curse once during Lent. Yes, I do know that a little cell with padded white walls might be the place for me, but until that time, I will enjoy the freedom of my apartment.

Anyway, the basics:

I am an Aquarian, though I was supposed to be born a Pisces. I was early, by two months.

I have a twin, but it's a complicated situation.

I am, indeed, female.

I am not yet 30 but am older than 21.

I love my tattoos and my piercings, even if only one of those piercings is not in my ear.

Yaoi anime and manga own me.

KKM or Kyo Kara Maou (or Maoh!) and Saiyuki are my crack.

Pretty fanart makes me happy. And I will brave many a Japanese site to see it.

I spend far too much time working on various websites and yet, still only know the basic html.

The best friend I met online through fandom is from Lebanon.

The best friend I met in person is from Arkansas and we met in a fitness walking class at NC State.

Most of my readers are from outside of the U.S.A. and while that may say something about my writing, I happen to think it's pretty damn cool.

If you have any comments, concerns, suggestions... IM: Misli22 or e-mail rivlee130@yahoo.com, but please put something in the subject line that tells me it is not spam.

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