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Oh NO! Not *another* Fanfiction website...

...might have been your thought when you discovered mine.

However, if you have decided to open this page, you certainly have the intention to find something out. About me, about my intentions to make this site, about my thoughts on my stories and so on.

Well, I am proud that you decided to do so. Here's the index of this site:

About me    About my stories    Why (and how much)I love Gil-galad    How it came to all of this

About me

I was born on the 28th of February, 1971 in Germany, where I still live, as a blonde, blue-eyed girl, which I still am. This means, English is not my native language; if you should have not discovered this by now.
I am addicted. To art, to beauty, and, by now, to writing. In real life, I am some kind of 'textile artist' - but this shall not be the subject of this site.
You might also be interested in what I look like. This here would describe it best:

(And, yes, of course this picture is edited.)

About my stories

I have a clear intention why I write:
Yes, that's almost all. I must confess, however, that my writing became quite obsessive by now (read: how it came to this to find out more). Sometimes I am finding myself standing in the kitchen, talking to myself within a dialogue of two of my characters. Sometimes I think that I would be better off in a sanatorium. Oh well.

I have a clear image in mind of the world that I describe in my stories. There are Border Crossers (people from our world that have the ability to go to Middle Earth), and I just rarely write something that cannot be included in this kind of storyline.

I also just *adore* Tolkien. I love what he did, what he created, and I honour the lifetime he spent on doing this. So if I am tormenting an Elf in my stories, I *always* have a bad conscience, and I am trying to write something good and happy about this particular Elf in a different story to ease my mind.

Why (and how much)I love Gil-galad

I stumbled over Gil-galad somewhat accidentally. This was when I was doing some research for "Border Crossers". It came to my mind then that he was so *damn* young when he became High King. Let me just summarize his career so that you can follow me without having to look something up:

  • Born: 445, 1st Age as Ereinion (meaning of this name: 'Descendant of Kings')
  • 455: sent to Cirdan by his father Fingon (Gil-galads age: 10)
  • 471: His father Fingon is killed in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (The Battle of Unnumbered Tears); crown goews to his uncle, Turgon, due to Gil-galads youth (Gil-galads age: 26)
  • 510: Turgon is killed during the Fall of Gondolin, and the crown passes to Ereinion who is now named Gil-galad ('Star of radiance'). (Gil-galads age: 65 - and there *is* a reference from Tolkien that *Elves* were not yet mature at the age of fifty!)

And this was just his childhood, folks. Can you imagine how a child must feel, how the adult must be if he has to go through all of this during his childhood? But let's go on...:

  • Around 1, 2nd Age, Gil-galad founds his kongdom, Lindon (age: 139!)
  • Around ~1600, 2nd Age, Gil-galad meets Sauron for the first time in the form of Annatar (age:~1740)
  • Gil-galad was killed in the Last Alliance by Sauron himself. Age: 3579 years. To compare: At the time of the Fellowship, Galadriel is about 8000, Elrond 6518 and Arwen is 2778 years old. This means that Gil-galad was 'just a little' older than Arwen when he died.

I love this young King, I just adore him.

How it came to all of this

Well, I could lie now. I could pretend that I have been interested in 'Lord of the Rings' since I was a small child.

But I won't lie - I was not. When I was a teenager, I read LOTR once - and then stuffed it back to the shelf. I have played RPG for some years; MERP and Shadowrun, but this seems like an age ago (actually, it's only twelve years).

Within the last years, I have almost allowed my shitty real life to eat my soul. At some point of time, I was close to be either insane or to kill myself, because I could not stand this life any more. Were it not for my son - I would not live any more.

That was the point of time when 'Lord of the Rings' came to the theatres. At first, I was just, well, let's call it 'interested for business reasons'. Then I got deeper into the subject and found my way back to 3D-Rendering. Within just a few weeks, I, well, almost *ate* anything that I could find - books, pictures, descriptions. and it became, well, rather obsessive.

By accident I stumbled over Fanfiction. GODDESS! I never thought that anyone would just *dare* to write what I read then, in endless nights at my computer.

It brought me back to life. Not to the real life, but to a life with dreams, a life with hope, and a life with fantasies that I would not even have dared to have until then.

And now I can have these dreams even in *public*!

My highly esteemed colleague writer Osiris Brackhaus once wrote something in his weblog that touched my heart. He wrote that he would not know how to live without all these people that just existed within his mind. I found that funny when I read it back then, but by now, I have to agree.

This Osiris Brackhaus also brought some rather unpleasant memories from my past back to me with one quite graphic scene of violence in one of his stories. This caused me to throw up immediately.
But this also brought me to writing down anything I had in mind; and I guess I have to be thankful for this. It was not the carefully depicted scene itself; it was the fact that I discovered that something was amiss from it which I remembered too painfully well.
I have decided at some point of thime that I should write this down, actually, I am just about to do so in "77", which you can find on the stories page.

Some kind of 'weird job coincidence' also forced me to learn Sindarin, which I love to use in my stories and also in private, if I have the possibility to do so, and may it just be to impress other people *snickers*

Well, that was all about me, I guess. Thanks for reading; and if you have questions, just drop me a line.

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