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Related Pages: T-Bag DVD Appeal

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The High-T Index

The High-T Hub

The High-T Overview
(Links to every page!)

The T-Bag Forum!

e-mail me

What to do in the mean time:
Join The T-Bag Forum!
Sign The High-T Guestbook
Cast your votes in the numerous T-Bag Voting Polls
Sign the Bring T-Bag To DVD Petition!

Click on the banner to register as a Nintendo VIP (Nintendo-Europe). You must have a Nintendo VIP card from a GameCube or Game Boy Advance game or system. More details about signing up as a Nintendo VIP and a list of games can be found HERE!

Where to go?

The High-T Index (Home Page)
The High-T Hub
The High-T Overview
The T-Bag Forum!

Reasons why you are here:
