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Quality Guide
T-Bag Bounces Back

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Wonders In Letterland
T-Bag Strikes Again
T-Bag Bounces Back
Turn On To T-Bag
T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom
T. Bag And The Rings Of Olympus
T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma
Take Off With T. Bag
T. Bag Christmas Specials
T. Bag Miscellaneous Footage
Guide Index

e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

NOTE: All my original episodes have been copied from old Betamax tapes to VHS tapes.

Episode 1: The Ousting Of Major Happy
My Original Copy
Title (just visible)
Few lines over the screen to start with
Quality - 3/5
Credits to T. Bag - Elizabeth Estensen (Just visible, cuts to next episode very quickly)

Episode 2: Nights Of Arabia
My Original Copy
Title (just, and has a few lines)
Quality - 4/5

Credits only T. Bag (no name) (quickly cuts to next episode)

Episode 3: Ivan The Horrible
My Original Copy
Title (Just and with a few lines)
Quality - 4/5

Credits only T. Bag Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 4: Black Hearted Belle
My Original Copy
Title (just but with lines)
Quality - 4/5

Credits only T. Bag Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 5: Bobby Jobsworth and The Temple of Doom
My Original Copy
Title (just but with lines)
Quality - 4/5

Credits only T. Bag (but no name)

Episode 6: Hi-Hat
My Original Copy
No Title (but opening music box scene complete)
Quality - 4/5
Cuts off after T. Bag throws Debbie's Shoes at her and T. Bag turns to T. Shirt and says 'It's your fault, stupid boy'
No Credits

Episode 7: Bell, Book and Candle
My Original Copy
Title (just but with lines)
Starts at end of ep6 with missing part when the Princess comes in and 'twangs' T. Bag's Tiara
Quality - 4/5
Goes to music (and music box) but no credits

Episode 8: Max The Miller
My Original Copy
No Title (but opening music box scene complete)
Quality - 4/5

Goes to credits with a 'half visible' T. Bag (but no name)

Episode 9: Nikdit The Theif
My Original Copy
No Title (but opening music box scene complete)
Cuts off near the start when T. Bag says to T. Shirt 'you're going to stay here', T. Shirt says 'All the time?' and T. Bag replies 'All the time...', then it cuts off (for approx 5 seconds), comes back for 2 - 3 seconds, goes again and comes back when Nikdit walks into the marketplace.
Quality - 3/5
Goes to music box for credits but no credits visible.
Copy from NS
Quality - 2/5
Credits only to T. Bag - Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 10: Happy Ending
My Original Copy
No Title (but can see the picture appearing over the 'blue screen')
Starts in T-Room as T. Bag walks over to the T-Plant to kidnap Major Happy.
Quality - 3/5
Ends with Debbie back in the curiousity shop turning the music box and cuts off when the Major Happy 'statue' is spinning and almost facing forward.
Missing the very end when Thomas walks in and says that he couldn't get it to play and Debbie says that it seems alright now and then Major happy on the top of the music box winks at her, she smiles back and says, "Bye."
No Credits