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Quality Guide
T. Bag Miscellaneous Footage

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Wonders In Letterland
T-Bag Strikes Again
T-Bag Bounces Back
Turn On To T-Bag
T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom
T. Bag And The Rings Of Olympus
T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma
Take Off With T. Bag
T. Bag Christmas Specials
T. Bag Miscellaneous Footage
Guide Index

e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

Micellaneous Footage
CiTV Birthday Bash (shown 3rd January 2003)
My Original Copy
Complete with Titles and Credits.
Quality - 5/5
With Elizabeth Estensen (Tallulah Bag) Interview and clips of T-Bag Strikes Again.

This Morning Soap Icons (shown 18th January 2006)
My Original Copy
Quality - 5/5
Profile of Elizabeth Estensen's career, clips from The Liver Birds, T-Bag Bounces Back, Coronation Street and Emmerdale
With Elizabeth Estensen (Tallulah Bag) talking about her career inbetween of the clips.

T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom Repeat Screening Trailer
Copy from PA

Take Off With T. Bag 'Back Soon' Promo Trailer
Copy from PA