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Quality Guide
T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Wonders In Letterland
T-Bag Strikes Again
T-Bag Bounces Back
Turn On To T-Bag
T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
T. Bag And The Pearls Of Wisdom
T. Bag And The Rings Of Olympus
T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma
Take Off With T. Bag
T. Bag Christmas Specials
T. Bag Miscellaneous Footage
Guide Index

e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

Episode 1: The Stone Circle
My Original Copy
Start slightly 'shaky'. Music from Ding-Dong lasts over the first few seconds of footage (the title)
Title (starry sky title) complete.
Lines at bottom of screen, picture sometimes can 'jump'.
Overall picture quality - 2/5
Credits only to T. Bag - Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 2: When In Rome
My Original Copy
'Fuzzy' line visible about 3/4 length down the screen horizontally.
Quality - 1/5
Credits to Marcus Nastius - Leon Greene
Copy from NS
No Title but opening teapot sequence complete
Quality - 3/5
Credits to T. Bag Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 3: Lost In Space
My Original Copy
No Title, but opening Teapot sequence.
'Fuzzy' line like ep2.
Quality - 1/5
Ends with Sally saying 'I'm over the moon'
No Credits
Copy from NS
Title and opening sequence complete
Quality - 3/5
Credits to Stella Andrie Reid

Episode 4: Turkish Delight
My Original Copy
Title and opening teapot sequence.
'Fuzzy' line getting worse than ep2 and ep3.
Quality 1/5
Ends with angry 'T-Bag' lightning effect.
No Credits
Copy from NS
Title and opening sequence complete
Quality - 3/5
Credits to Karim Karamel Frank Coder

Episode 5: Hazell Knutt's Muesli Bar
My Original Copy
Title (and part credits from last episode) mixed up.
'Fuzzy' line worst still.
Quality 0/5 (almost completely unwatchable)
Credits to Production Assistant - Sally Askey
Copy from NS
No Title but opening teapot sequence complete
Quality - 3/5
Credits to T. Bag Elizabeth Estensen

Episode 6: Rock Star Baby
My Original Copy
Title and opening teapot sequence complete
Great picture.
Quality 4/5
Credits up to (halfway visible) T. Shirt (but no name)

Episode 7: Anastasia
My Original Copy
Title (just) and opening sequence complete.
Great picture
Quality 4/5
Credits up to Make Up (but no name)

Episode 8: La Boheme
My Original Copy
No Title or opening sequence.
Missing the first few minutes with the tearing the calendar page scene missing. Approx 2 mins 16 seconds missing (with almost 20 seconds of that being the title and opening teapot sequence).
Starts with Vincent Van Driver and Claude talking 'What a piece of luck running into you, I'm an artist'
Great picture.
Quality 4/5
Credits to Monsieur Claude - John Savident
Copy from PA

Episode 9: The Bard
My Original Copy
No Title but opening Teapot sequence complete.
Quality 4/5
Credits to Sally - Kellie Bright

Copy from PA

Episode 10: The Ceremony
My Original Copy
No Title, but opening teapot sequence complete
Quality - 4/5
Credits to Sally - Kellie Bright

Copy from PA