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Lee Pressman's Scrapbook

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Lee Pressman has kindly sent me a few bits and bobs from his collection of T-Bag memorabia he collected during the shows nine series run. Many thanks to Lee for these momentoes, these will be treasured forever.

Click on the images to see the full-sized articles.

Photographs & Official Pictures

T-Bag Strikes Again Episode 7 Photo
'Writer with toothache visits the set.'

T-Bag Bounces Back Official Press Photograph
Click here for the official description.

Turn On To T-Bag Episode 4 Photo
Bubble Boy

T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
'The notorius Leon Thau tells the actors how to do it.'

Official T-Bag Postcard

Thames Television Postcard

Newspapers/Magazines Cuttings and Clippings

Design A T-Bag Costume Competition

The Lookin Awards

T-Bag Strikes Again

T-Bag Strikes Again

T-Bag Bounces Back

T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma