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T-Bag Bounces Back
Episode 10
Happy Ending

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Episode 1: The Ousting Of Major Happy
Episode 2: Nights In Arabia
Episode 3: Ivan The Horrible
Episode 4: Black Hearted Belle
Episode 5: Bobby Jobsworth And The Temple Of Doom
Episode 6: Hi-Hat
Episode 7: Bell, Book And Candle
Episode 8: Max The Miller
Episode 9: Nikdit The Thief
Episode 10: Happy Ending
Series Index

Air dates are as accurate as possible.
Only cast and crew credited at the end of this episode are listed below.
All cast and crew links will take you to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page.
Broadcast Dates
UK Air DateFri 27/03/1987 - 4.20pm
Repeat ScreeningThurs 07/09/1989 - 4.25pm
Copyright YearMCMLXXXVII (1987)
T. Bag (Tallulah Bag)Elizabeth Estensen
T. Shirt/ThomasJohn Hasler
DebbieJennie Stallwood
Guest Starring
Major HappyTony Haygarth
Make UpAnn Briggs
Costume DesignerRaymond Childe
Graphic DesignerAlex Forbes
Floor ManagerBobby Webber
Production AssistantJoanna Stewart
Songs ByTerry Trower
Written ByLee Pressman
Grant Cathro
DesignerJohn Plant
ProducersCharles Warren
Leon Thau
DirectorLeon Thau
With T-Shirt Debbie goes back to Major Happy but when they arrive he has been kidnapped by T-Bag. When he escapes Debbie, T-Shirt and Major Happy must find the frame of the glockenspiel but when T-Shirt gets kidnapped by T-Bag along with the bag of bells T-Shirt must somehow get the bells to Major Happy.

If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie
Major Happy: You just wait ‘til Debbie gets back.
T-Bag: Debbie, Debbie, Debbie that’s all I ever hear Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, Debbie.
Major Happy: Oh I’ve touched a raw nerve there have I? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
T-Bag: She can’t harm me.
Major Happy: I wouldn’t be so sure about that; after all she’s got the bells hasn’t she?
T-Bag: True but I’ve got you.


Debbie & T. Shirt

The Winner


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