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T. Bag And The Revenge Of The T. Set
Episode 10
The Ceremony

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Episode 1: The Stone Circle
Episode 2: When In Rome
Episode 3: Lost In Space
Episode 4: Turkish Delight
Episode 5: Hazell Knutt's Muesli Bar
Episode 6: Rock Star Baby
Episode 7: Anastasia
Episode 8: La Boheme
Episode 9: The Bard
Episode 10: The Ceremony
Series Index

Air dates are as accurate as possible.
Only cast and crew credited at the end of this episode are listed below.
All cast and crew links will take you to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page.
Broadcast Dates
UK Air DateTues 07/03/1989 - 4.20pm
Repeat ScreeningMon 16/09/1991 - 4.20pm
Copyright YearMCMLXXXVIII (1988)
T. Bag (Tallulah Bag)Elizabeth Estensen
T. ShirtJohn Hasler
Sally SimpkinsKellie Bright
Guest Starring
The High-T LadyJan Holden
Make UpCaroline Becker
CostumeRaymond Childe
Vandra Howarde
Graphic DesignerChris Connors
Stage ManagerBobby Webber
Production AssistantCaroline Vance
Sally Askey
Songs for the series byTerry Trower
DesignerJohn Plant
Executive ProducerCharles Warren
Written ByLee Pressman
Grant Cathro
DirectorLeon Thau

T-Bag has all the spoons and starts planning for the ceremony to make her more powerful with The High-T Lady who is under her spell.

If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

The search for the Children/The Little Horrors
T-Bag has to get the spoons from the children before time runs out, so she calls the High-T Lady and puts her under her spell once again and she makes her a cup of tea. T-Bag drinks the tea and pours the dregs into her saucer and after a while a picture appears in the saucer of where the children are.
T-Bag: And there they are, the only question is where is there?
High-T Lady: Looks like some sort of catacomb.
T-Bag: That’s what I was thinking. What the fudge fingers is a catacomb?
High-T Lady: An underground tunnel.
T-Bag: Exactly, right. Under the temple I’ll be bound.
High-T Lady: Yes but how did they get there?
T-Bag: I know (T-Bag walks over and turns the switch to the secret chamber) this must lead to the Stone Circle.
High-T Lady: Yes.
T-Bag: Good.
High-T Lady: What?
T-Bag: Now we have them!
High-T Lady: I don’t understand.
T-Bag: You will. You wait here; I’ll wait at the Stone Circle by the time I’ve found the little brats they’ll be begging me to take the spoons back. Ha, ha, ha. Right you pair of little horrors here’s some more little horrors to keep you company. In the passage way we suddenly hear a loud hissing sound. It’s a snake!
T-Shirt & Sally: Arrrgghh!
T-Shirt: We better go back.
Sally: We can’t, we’ve got to go on.
T-Shirt: We’ll never get past that thing.
Sally slowly bends down and picks up a skull and she throws it at the snake. It disappears!
T-Shirt & Sally: T-BAG!
T-Shirt: Oh no she’s found out we’ve got the spoons. We’re in for it now.
Sally: Don’t worry she can’t harm us so long as I’m wearing this (holds her silver pendant). Come on I’ll lead the way.
T-Shirt: I’m not a baby, I’ll go first.
Sally: I don’t care, let’s hurry.
T-Shirt: Right.
A large spider appears where the snake was Sally: Warrghh! It’s not real. (Sally bravely walks towards the spider)
T-Shirt: Sally!
Sally: It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real. (The spider vanishes) See, now shall we go?
(They leave and we see Sally has dropped her pendant on the ground)
Back at The Stone Circle
T-Bag: Come on Kiddywinkles. I’m waiting. Time’s running out!
In The T-Room
The High-T Lady: Time’s running out. Times running out. If only I could find those little brats, how pleased Her Majesty would be with me, Oh yes, it would please Her Majesty.
(The High-T Lady picks up the burning torch and goes into the passageway to find Sally and T-Shirt.)
Sally: Look.
T-Shirt: What?
Sally: Up there, light I think it’s very faint but it might be a way out.
T-Shirt: Yes steps leading up. This is it what are we waiting for?
Sally: After you.
A wall of flames appear, blocking their path.
T-Shirt: T-Bag! OK.
Sally: OK.
T-Shirt: Wow it’s hot.
Sally: Oh yes.
T-Shirt and Sally start walking through the flames.
T-Shirt: It’s not really.
Sally: It’s not really.
T-Shirt and Sally pass by the flames.

The Final destruction of Tallulah Bag
T-Bag has got her powers from heavens and the High-T rushes to the stone circle to help the children. She arrives at the Stone Circle and starts untying the children from the post.
The High-T Lady: Come on, we’ve got to get out of here!
Sally: But T-Bag!
The High-T Lady: There’s nothing we can do. It’s too late!
T-Shirt: There must be something.
The High-T Lady: The only thing to do is flee, save yourselves, RUN!
T-Bag: You! Stay where you are! You pathetic mortals, see the power that I have!
(T-Bag zaps the ground causing a menacing explosion and she stares at them with evil intent.)
The High-T Lady: (She holds up Sally’s pendant) You can’t harm us you monster!
T-Bag: Oh can’t I?
(T-Bag zaps the pendant and the High-T drops it. It explodes on impact of the ground. T-Bag turns around readying herself to blast The High-T, Sally and T-Shirt to smithereens. Sally quickly grabs the ceremonial gong and uses it as a shield to protect them.
T-Bag: And now it’s your turn. This is for all the trouble you three have caused me. Goodbye FOREVER!
(T-Bag hurls a ray of evil energy which hits the gong, reflects off it to strike T-Bag with an explosive sound, the thunder rages and T-Bag disappears with a blood curdling scream!)


The High-T Lady

The Horrors

All Powerful

For more images see the Image Galleries


For more Trivia see the Trivia pages.