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T-Bag Strikes Again
Episode 5
Ali Barber

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Episode 1: The Town Clock
Episode 2: One, Two Buckle My Shoe
Episode 3: Ben And Bunty Badshot
Episode 4: Scrap Harry
Episode 5: Ali Barber
Episode 6: Dick Gherkin
Episode 7: Long John Sylvia
Episode 8: Professor Pockets
Episode 9: Charlie Chuckles
Episode 10: The Magic Garden
Series Index

Air dates are as accurate as possible.
Only cast and crew credited at the end of this episode are listed below.
All cast and crew links will take you to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page.
Broadcast Dates
UK Air DateWed 24/09/1986 - 4.20pm
Repeat ScreeningWed 11/05/1988 - 4.20pm
Copyright YearMCMLXXXVI (1986)
T. Bag (Tallulah Bag)Elizabeth Estensen
T. ShirtJohn Hasler
DebbieJennie Stallwood
Guest Starring
Ali BarberDavid Janson
Sultan VinegarNorman Mitchell
Make UpPearl Rashbass
Costume DesignerRaymond Childe
Graphic DesignerAlex Forbes
Stage ManagerBobby Webber
Production AssistantPat Lees
Written ByLee Pressman
Grant Cathro
DesignerJohn Plant
Executive ProducerMajorie Sigley
ProducersCharles Warren
Leon Thau
DirectorLeon Thau

Sultan Vinegar is collecting his taxes from Ali Barber but Ali has no money because he has had no customers. Debbie arrives and Ali cuts her hair for her but when she has no money to pay he takes her silver numbers as payment. The Sultan takes them as Ali’s taxes. Can Debbie get them back?

If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!


Debbie's Haircut



Tax Collection
For more images see the Image Galleries

This episode reached number 96 in the most watched programme of the week (week ending Sept 28th) with a peak of 3.76 million viewers beating Doctor Who on BBC (Doctor Who chartered at #97 with 3.72 million viewers, the episode of Doctor Who was 'The Mysterious Planet part 4' with Colin Baker as the Doctor)!

For more Trivia see the Trivia pages.