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T. Bag And The Sunstones Of Montezuma
Episode 6
Ra Ra Rasputin

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Episode 1: In The Footsteps Of Kit Bag
Episode 2: Gussie And Twittering
Episode 3: Wilma Tell
Episode 4: Gone Fishing
Episode 5: Hippies
Episode 6: Ra Ra Rasputin
Episode 7: One Million Years B.C.
Episode 8: Napoleon And Josephine
Episode 9: Y-Fronts
Episode 10: Montezuma's Revenge
Series Index

Air dates are as accurate as possible.
Only cast and crew credited at the end of this episode are listed below.
All cast and crew links will take you to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page.
Broadcast Dates
UK Air DateWed 10/02/1992 - 4.20pm
Copyright YearMCMXCII (1992)
T. Bag (Tabatha Bag)Georgina Hale
T. ShirtJohn Hasler
PennyEvelyn Sweeney
Guest Starring
TsarinaBrenda Longman
Doctor PopovPeter Woodthorpe
Make UpAngela Seyfang
CostumesRaymond Childe
Lighting DirectorPeter Bower
Stage ManagerTeresa Joselyn
Production AssistantGill Thomas
DesignerIan Russell
ProducerCharles Warren
Directed ByGlyn Edwards
Written ByLee Pressman
Grant Cathro

The Russian Queen is being tricked by Doctor Rasputin. He is stealing her treasure and when Penny arrives she is the one who is accused, T-Bag sees the sunstone which Rasputin uses to heal her and when Rasputin wants to marry the Queen, T-Bag sets out to get the next Sunstone!

If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!

Is It Bad?
Tsarina: Is it bad?
Doctor Popov: What is bad? Is waking up in the middle of the night and finding you’re legs have fallen off bad?
Tsarina: Yes.
Doctor Popov: Then it is bad.
Tsarina: Whoaahh. No, no I’m too young, oh no, Doctor Popov you are a doctor, say you can save me, say you can save me, say you can save me.
Doctor Popov: Alright I can save you.
Tsarina: You’re just saying that.

Ignore The T-Caddy
Doctor Popov: Where is the old bag?
Penny: Oh no you don’t.
Doctor Popov: What?
Penny: Right mister you’ve got some explaining to do.
Doctor Popov: I’ve what.
Tsarina: What is all the… Ahh you.
T-Bag: Pee-wee.
Penny: T-Bag.
Tsarina: Gregory.
Doctor Popov: Your Majesty, your Majesty.
Tsarina: Gregory.
Penny: T-Bag.
T-Bag: Pee-wee.
T-Shirt: Oh that’s right everybody just ignore me, I’m only the T-Caddy.
T-Bag: Shut up.


T. Bag & T. Shirt

T. Bag & T. Shirt


For more images see the Image Galleries

T. Shirt is playing with a Nintendo Game & Watch at the start of this episode. I wonder which one it is?

For more Trivia see the Trivia pages.