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Turn On To T-Bag
Episode 9
Doc Leaf

Use the following links to see all this series pages:
Episode 1: Sparkes
Episode 2: Gangsters
Episode 3: Yeti!
Episode 4: Bubble Boy
Episode 5: Pyramids
Episode 6: Scrimp
Episode 7: The Two Musketeers
Episode 8: The African Queen
Episode 9: Doc Leaf
Episode 10: Turn On To T-Bag
Series Index

Air dates are as accurate as possible.
Only cast and crew credited at the end of this episode are listed below.
All cast and crew links will take you to the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page.
Broadcast Dates
UK Air DateTues 01/03/1988 - 4.20pm
Repeat ScreeningTues 04/09/1990 - 4.00pm
Copyright YearMCMLXXXVIII (1988)
T. Bag (Tallulah Bag)Elizabeth Estensen
T. ShirtJohn Hasler
Holly Anna JonesDiana Barrand
Guest Starring
Doc. LeafMatt Zimmerman
DorabellaShirin Taylor
Make UpShiela Mann
Costume DesignerRaymond Childe
Graphic DesignerAlex Forbes
Stage ManagerBobby Webber
Production AssistantBarbara Mitchell
Songs ByTerry Trower
Written ByLee Pressman
Grant Cathro
DesignerJohn Plant
Executive ProducerCharles Warren
Producer/DirectorLeon Thau

In the wild west Doc Leaf is trying to sell his Herbal Remedy to Dorabella, a hotel owner, but as both of them have the same bag they get muddled up. When T-Shirt leaves T-Bag he takes his teddy in an identical bag and when Holly arrives with another identical bag, all the bags get muddled up. T-Bag then swaps another bag with the bag Doc Leaf has because she sees he has the crystals. Will T-Bag end up with the bag of crystals and will Holly find the last crystal?

If you would like to contribute your favourite/funniest etc quotes from this episode please e-mail me or PM me on the The T-Bag Forum!


Doc Leaf's Herbal Remedy

I Want A Room

Identical Bags

The End?
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For more Trivia see the Trivia pages.