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Engrish Two Towers Subtitles

home page

First hour:
Second hour:
Third hour:
000 - 020 minutes .... 020 - 040 minutes .... 040 - 060 minutes
060 - 080 minutes .... 080 - 100 minutes .... 100 - 120 minutes
120 - 140 minutes .... 140 - 160 minutes .... 160 - 180 minutes

140 - 160 minutes

Maybe we can pass wind while we're there.

... we can slip past Saruman unnoticed.

If eyes could talk...

His eye is almost on me!

Forget it.

For death and glory.

How exactly do you draw a soul?

Théoden: ... when we draw swords together.

For Rat!!!

Now for wrath.

next page

First hour:
Second hour:
Third hour:
000 - 020 minutes ..... 020 - 040 minutes ..... 040 - 060 minutes
060 - 080 minutes ..... 080 - 100 minutes ..... 100 - 120 minutes
120 - 140 minutes ..... 140 - 160 minutes ..... 160 - 180 minutes