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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 10

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 10

Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace 6

Star Wars: Episode 2: The Attack of the Clones 8

The Matrix (original) 9

K-19: The Widowmaker 9

Master and Commander: On the Far Side of the World 10

The Bourne Identity 5

The Beautiful Life 8

Monty Python and the Holy Grail 5

Catch Me If You Can 7

(note: You may notice that most of the movies reviewed receive very good markings.  This is because I make a point of only seeing very good movies.)



The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Extended Edition







Review coming soon.



The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Extended Edition







Review coming soon. Deleted Scenes Photos



bulletStar Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Plot   (pretty boring,  fairly predictable, too much podrace)

Characters (Jar-Jar alone is responsible for most of this, but Anakin wasn't done to well either)

Graphics (amazing use of computer graphics)

Music (I like John Williams.  He did a splendid job.)

Morality  (Except for a few quibbles with the whole "force" bit, nothing major here.)


I don't think as poorly of The Phantom Menace as many other people, I think it was just way over-hyped, and when it failed to live up to that, people condemned it.  However, it does have great music and graphics, and while the plot isn't superb, it's not that pathetic.  The only problem is that absolutely EVERYBODY completely HATES Jar-Jar, and I bet if you searched online for "I hate Jar-Jar" you would get millions of hits.

Favorite scenes:

  1. Final light saber duel in the energy chamber.  This is ultimate Star Wars, the final showdown between the good guys and the arch-villain.  No guns involved, just light sabers moving at lightning speed.  And Obi-Wan is always cool.
  2. Opening fight between Jedi and the droids.  A very good and fast introduction.  Blocking blasters with light sabers is always cool, as is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  3. Scene were we first see the underwater city of Naboo.  I was completely amazed when I first saw this.  It's totally unexpected, and the graphics are amazing.



bulletStar Wars: Episode 2: The Attack of the Clones

Plot (a few good plot twists, hard to tell who's good or bad until near the end.)

Characters (Still too much Jar-Jar, Anakin was an annoying brat and Lucas gave us no reason to feel sorry for him for turning to the dark side.  Amidala and Obi-Wan are still cool though.)

Graphics (What else do you expect from Skywalker Ranch?)

Music (Another great job by John Williams)

Morality  (Some immodesty, nothing really bad, though the fireside scene came pretty close.)


Pretty much the same story as The Phantom Menace, The Attack of the Clones featured superb music and graphics.  However, I thought the plot and the characters were better developed that in Episode I.

Favorite Scenes

  1. Yoda fighting.  Needs no explanation.
  2. The last half- hour of the movie was great, with the odds of battle constantly changing back and forth from onside to the other.  It was constant action, huge battles, light sabers everywhere, just really great.
  3. The Skytaxi(?) chase scene was much better than a podrace, flying through the skies of nighttime Coruscant was pretty cool.




bulletThe Matrix

Plot (interesting)

Characters (Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, and Agent Smith were all really cool, secondary characters suffered from lack of development)

Graphics (very well done)

Music (I don't particularly like techno, but it went well with the movie)

Morality  (excessive wanton violence, but no "scenes", which is rare for a "r" movie)


A very well-made movie, the action scenes are what everybody goes to see, but they managed to have a decent plot that really makes you think.

Favorites scenes.

  1. The gun scene.  "We need guns.  Lots of guns."  Taken from there, I think they must have expended millions of rounds of ammunition.  Plus completely blowing up the set.
  2. Neo stops the bullets and beats up Agent Smith.  It's so cool when he just says, "No," and the bullets stop, leaving wakes in the air.  He picks one up, then drops it to the floor.  All the rest follow.  We're as stunned as he is.
  3. Neo fights Agent Smith in the subway.  Kung Fu is cool.  At hyper-speed, it's even cooler.



bulletK-19: The Widowmaker

Plot (Hey, it really happened.)

Characters (Liam Neeson and Harrison Ford do a great job.)

Graphics (Pretty good, but not quite deserving of 5 T-stars)

Music (Any soundtrack that includes the Moonlight Sonata automatically gets a high rating)

Morality    (some...male rear nudity.)


Review coming soon.



bulletMaster and Commander: On the Far Side of the World

Plot (Most good plots are taken from the history books)

Characters (Very well developed.)

Graphics (Superb.  I couldn't even remotely guess that the whole thing wasn't real.)

Music (Great soundtrack, especially with the violin and cello parts.)

Morality  (A few swear words, but they did say the "Our Father," so I guess that makes up for it.)


Review coming soon.



bulletThe Bourne Identity

Plot (portrayed the CIA inaccurately, but made for a decent movie)


Graphics (nothing outstanding here)

Music (can't remember it too well)

Morality  (Had at least one scene, lots of violence, and a somewhat immoral suggestion near the end)


Review coming soon.



The Beautiful Life







Review coming soon.



Monty Python and the Holy Grail







Review coming soon.



Catch Me If You Can







Review coming soon.