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On November 15, after the Pro-Life picket, some of the same people went to help out at a Maristella Benefit Dinner.

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Tommy helped people with the salad, while my sister Allison looked prim and proper.

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Joe probably worked the hardest of us all, tending the bar and getting everybody drinks.  Chris was his ice-man, and dutifully refilled the ice-bucket when it was running low.

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I served the main dish, while Tim stood around pretending to help, and my sister took a break from looking prim and proper to gaze at the food.  (note: Who's the best-dressed one there?  Yeah, that's right.  Me.)

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The people were enjoying their food quite a bit.

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Meanwhile, the guys were busy on Tim's cell phone trying to find the times that the local theatre played "master and Commander."

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We all piled in to Tim's car to go see that after we finished helping.  It was a great movie, I highly recommend it.