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On November 30, the Tri-County Teen for Life went down to Chicago to the Bears tail-gate party to try to get signatures for pro-life license plates.

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We met up at the alien landing field with some pro-life organizers who had already been there awhile, and who gave us our materials.

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We got an inspirational pep talk before we went out.

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The dads (Mr. Hudson and Mr. Lesnewki) led the charge.

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My loyal, trustworthy group: Tim (who collected the most signatures), Joe (who got less than me), and Johnny (who directed us, thereby giving him an excuse not to get a single signature to his name).

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Not only did we get an inspiration pep talk before the event, we got one afterwards too, which the dads all listened attentively to.

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Whoo-hoo!  Our whole group is holding their own pro-life license plates! (we got cool t-shirts too)

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After that came the fun part, where we got to have our own little tailgate party.

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Then, for even more fun, Joe, the Suchomskis, the Ryans, and I played football at the Ryans' when we got back.