Muttered Thoughts "We had better try a way back southwards along the line of the cliff, I think," said Sam, "We might find some nook there, or even a cave or something. We will be safer…and alone…" Sam trailed off. "What, Sam?" "We'll be safer if we find a cave." "I suppose so," said Frodo. "Yes, Mr. Frodo, in my pack and all. Carried it hundreds of miles, and I'd clean forgotten it!" "Then get busy and let and end down!" "Get busy…" Sam chuckled. "Eh?" "Coming, Mr. Frodo!" "Why! You can't see to the bottom in this light," said Sam, "What if you come to a place where there's nowhere to put your hands? Tee hee…I know where you could put your hands…" Sam got quieter and he blushed furiously. "What?" "Uh- what if you get stuck?" "Climb back, I suppose." It was Frodo's watch. Sam should have been sleeping. But he just couldn't. He stared at Frodo in complete awe. Frodo didn't notice that Sam was awake. Sam laid quietly, happily grinning and staring, as if under a spell. Frodo looked absolutely perfect under the light of the full moon. His thin, frail figure was outlined in silver shine. His dark curls were a messy pile on his head. Frodo looked on towards Mordor with his huge blue eyes. They were transfixed on the landscape. He scratched his head and sighed. Sam wished more than anything to be able to get up and comfort him right then and there. Sam shivered. He never realised how cold he was. He wished he had someone to put their arms around him and hold him, just to keep him warm- "Sam, why don't you go to sleep?" Frodo looked at Sam, half worried, half impatient. Sam froze. He didn't realize that Frodo had noticed him awake. He sat silently. "Sam, do you think I haven't noticed?" Sam tried to hold in his tears. Frodo must have heard his muttered thoughts. He probably hated him now. Frodo came and sat down next to Sam. He put his hand on Sam's knee. Sam shivered. "You haven't slept since we left the fellowship. It's my brake, Sam. Don't you trust me to watch out for us? Why don't you sleep?" Frodo said quietly. Sam reminded himself to breathe. He could hear a small voice in his head saying *It's now or never * He took a breath and muttered something quietly. "What, Sam?" "You see, the thing is, Mr. Frodo, I don't want to." "Why not, Sam!?!?" "I'm afraid that if I sleep, that when I open my eyes…you, well…you might be gone. That I'm not alone with you and it's all just a dream. I don't want it to be a dream. I want to be with you." Sam gushed. "Sam…" "I love you Mr. Frodo, and if I sleep I have no proof that you are here with me…alone…" Frodo sat quietly. Sam felt tears running down his face. He wanted to smack himself for saying that. Frodo must hate him now. Why would Frodo want to be with somebody like him? Frodo opened his mouth to speak. "Sam…" Couldn't he say anything else? Frodo scooted closer towards Sam and put his arm around him. "Close your eyes, Sam." Frodo ran his fingers down Sam's face, closing his eyes. He kissed Sam gently on the head. "Sleep, dear Sam, and don't worry, I'm here. And I'll let you know that." He wrapped his arms around Sam and pulled him closer onto his lap. Sam was finally warm. And he felt safer than he had in a longtime. He breathed in deeply. Frodo smelt so good. Frodo began running his fingers through Sam's hair and humming softly to lull Sam asleep. And just as Sam was about to fall asleep he heard Frodo whisper to him. "See… I know where to put my hands." Sam grinned and fell into a deep sleep. In fact, the best sleep he had had ever, with his Frodo holding him.