Question: Can I curse God and still go to Heaven?

Question Answered: Yes. You can curse God and curse Jesus and curse the Holy Spirit all day long and still go to Heaven.

Let's get practical. Look at your mother or father or whoever you have in your life who loves you soooooo much that you can feel it from your head to your toes (and if you don't think that there is anybody in your life like that, have I got some news for you). Now, if you're bad, do they cease to be your mother or father? No. If you tell them that you don't love them and that you don't want to be their child, do they cease to be your mother or father? No. If you deny them with curses (Peter denied Jesus with curses) do they cease to be your mother or father? NO!!!!

But, why not? Because they UNDERSTAND! Your mother or father, in their limited knowledge, have the ability to see deeper than the surface. They can, to some extent, see your heart. They understand that you're angry or scared and that, if you were thinking straight, you would never say those things and just like the parable of the FORGIVING FATHER ( or prodigal son) in the bible, they are ever waiting with open arms to welcome their children home. I, as a father of three beautiful blessings, can testify to that.

Now, that said, and knowing that God is infinitly more powerful, knowing, and loving than we are, still we must admit that there is a sin (one sin) that will not... cannot be forgiven. I know, and you know, that God can do ANYTHING, that nothing is beyond Him, and that He can and will forgive ALL sins... as long as you ask Him before you die. I said, as long as you ASK Him BEFORE you DIE!!!... ...

...and it is in that very statement... that very idea that the "unforgivable sin" exists. The "blaspheme of the Holy Spirit", the "unforgivable", is to reject the Holy Spirit and work against Him until the day you die. To deny His work in your life COMPLETELY and WILLINGLY. To be the strong and proud unbeliever who refused and refused and refused, and mocked and scorned and trampeled under foot that precious GRACE until it was TOO LATE!!! To be the prodigal who never came home.

Anything less than that will be forgiven you.

Historically, (and in the context of what was being said) the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit" is taking the works of Jesus, the works of the Holy Spirit, and attributing them to Satan. Read it. You'll see what I mean.

But, don't be the one who works against Him. Don't be that person today. Don't be that man. Don't be that young lady. We have a loving God... full of mercy and extending peace... He knows you. He made you. He loves you more that you can ever know. In your deepest parts you know this to be true. Don't wait any longer... ask Him... ask Jesus to forgive you today and forever.

God Bless -M. Gray-


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