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One Essence is the Human Race,
Thusly has Creation put the Base.
One Limb impacted is sufficient,
For all Others to feel the Mace.
The Unconcern'd with Others' Plight,
Are but Brutes with Human Face.
Shaykh Muslih
al-Din Sa'di Shirazi
Translated by Iraj Bashiri
Copyright 2003

Working Papers on
Central Asia and Iran
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Prepared by
Professor Iraj Bashiri
e-mail: Iraj Bashiri
Copyright © Dr. Iraj Bashiri, February
The materials on this site are registered with the
Copyright Office. Nothing on any of the pages of this website may be
reproduced in any fashion except by written permission of the author. Links
to these pages and conventionally cited scholarly quotations, however, can
be made.
Copyright infringement:
Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)
Chamber Society
Iraj Jamshidi
Introductory Note:
cultures of Central Asia and Iran share a number of
remarkable features. They are Islamic, albeit Sunnite and Shi'ite, and they enjoy a common cosmology and
mythology. Additionally, they share the same early history. Indeed, until
the rise of the Western Turks and the subsequent coming of the Turks and
Mongols to Central Asia, the primary
population of the region was Iranian. As descendants of the earlier
Indo-European peoples, they followed the teachings of Zoroaster and
worshiped his God, Ahura Mazda.
the foregoing, we can conclude that any social, political, or ideological
study of the early history of this region must take this common heritage
into consideration. To respect the shared values of the Iranian and the
Central Asian peoples, therefore, shared materials are accessible from both
the Iran and Central Asia pages. The more recent events, however,
appear under either "Central Asia" or "Iran".
web page covers a vast area from Africa to India
and from Kazakhstan to
the Persian Gulf. It also contains diverse
subjects dealing with the history, literature, and the arts of the region.
Check out the "Menus" at the top of this page for a comprehensive
listing of all areas covered. Details about the contents are available from
the pages within the "Special Features Menu," the "Iran
Menu," and the "Central Asia Menu."
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