Soviet Tajikistan


Prepared by Iraj Bashiri

Copyright, Iraj Bashiri, 2005


Before the fall of the Soviet Union, a major attempt was made by the authorities to introduce the republics of the Soviet Union to the world. As a result, prominent Soviet figures were asked to produce a series of promotional books for the purpose. The task of introducing Tajikistan to the world was assigned to Muhammad Osimi (same as Mukhamed Asimov or Osimov). Entitled Socialist Republics of the Soviet Union, the Novosti Press Agency Publishing House published the series in 1987. Because the series presents a final look at the Soviet republics through Soviet eyes, it is important that these documents remain in the literatures related to the region and be used by those who wish a to be informed about the past history of the Soviet Union as it was seen by the Soviets themselves.


A Brief Note on the Life of Muhammad Osimi


By Iraj Bashiri

Copyright, Iraj Bashiri, 2002



         Tajik philosopher Muhammad Saifiddinovich Osimov, also referred to as Osimi, was born on September 1, 1920, in Khujand. He joined the CPSU in 1945.

         Osimov studied at the Leninabad Worker's College in 1937, and in 1941 graduated from the Samarqand State Institute of Physics and Mathematics. From 1941 to 1946, he served at the War front. From 1946 to 1952, he was a head teacher and Director of the Department of Physics of the Leninabad State Pedagogical Institute. Between 1952 and 1955, he was a post-graduate student of sociology at the Academy of Social Sciences of the Soviet Union. From 1956 to 1962, he was the Associate Minister of Education. From 1962 to 1965, he was the Secretary of the Communist Party of Tajikistan and Acting Director of the Cabinet of Ministers of Tajikistan. In 1965, he became the President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. He received his doctorate in philosophy in 1971 and in the same year, became a professor. In 1974, he became a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

         Osimov's research deals with natural philosophy, the history of Marxism-Leninism, and history of science and literature. He has studied several problems of contemporary physics regarding the development of matter. In his philosophical discussions, he has dealt with the development of the thought patterns of the peoples of the east, and has come to interesting conclusions. He has also studied some of the problems related to science and society, science and production, the status of certain major scientific and literary figures of Tajikistan, and methodology for defense against anti-Communism. His contributions include Asari Barjastai Filosofioi Marksisti (Distinguished Work on Marxism, 1960), Nakhustin Dorulfununi Mo (Our First University, 1961), Materia va Tasviri Fizikii Olam (Matter and the Physical Visualization of the Universe, 1966), Paidoish va Tashakkuli Tafakkuri Falsafi (Appearance and Formation of Phil­osophi­cal Thinking, 1976), Issledovanie etnicheskoi istorii drevnei Tsentral'noi Azii v sovetskoi nauke (Soviet Science and Research on the Ethnic History of Central Asia, 1977), and Tasakkul va Takamoli Afkari Falsafi (Formation and Evolution of Philosophic Thought, Dushanbe, 1980). He was the Chief Editor of the monumental Ensaiklopediai Sovetii Tojik (Soviet Tajik Encyclopedia, 1978-1988).

         Osimov was recognized as a Distinguished National Icon, a Distinguished Contributor to Tajik Science and Culture, Head of the Paivand (Connection) Committee, and Vice-President of the Association of Tajiks from Around the World. He also won the Jawaharlal Nehru Prize in 1980. He garnered two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the October Revolution Award, the Order of the Patriotic war 1st class, the Order of the Red Star, the Badge of Honor, medals, and the Honorary Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Tajikistan.

         Osimov was murdered on July 29, 1996, in Dushanbe.



Soviet Tajikistan