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Cmdr Ralph the Lionheart's



and of course George !

We're going to build a puzzle for you about a very inportant inventor....see if you can fit the pieces together...Inventors of the past are very important to your world...without them you wouldn't have computers, airplanes or tv...but first a word from our inventor...

"And those men who are inventors and interperters between Nature and man, as compared with boasters and declaimers of the works of others, must be regarded and not otherwise esteemed than as the object in front of a mirror, when compared with its image seen in the mirror. For the first is something in itself, and the other nothingness...Folks little indebted to Nature, since it is only by chance that they wear the human form, and without it I might class them with the herd of beasts...."

The term "Renaissance Man" was given to this Inventor. He was a man of so many accomplishments in so many areas of human endeavours, that his kind has rarely been seen throughout your history.

He was artist, man of science, engineer and much more.

More than 300 years before flying machines were perfected, he designed prototypes for the airplane and the helicopter.

He was often consulted by specialists in such fields as architecture, fortifications and weaponry. He also served as a hydraulics and mechanical engineer.

His extensive studies of the human body were portrayed in his anatomical drawings, which were among the most significant accomplishments of Renaissance science. His revolutionary drawings of the human body elevated drawing to a means of scientific investigation. It also provided the principles of "modern" scientific drawing and map drawing.

His notebooks are the greatest legacy an inventor/artist could leave to the world, but they do have curious attributes.

First...though he did not intend to keep his notebooks from the world,
they were written in "Mirror Writing", which means they could only be read when put up to a mirror.

Second...In normal books the pictures are used to clarify the text,
but with this inventor it was just the opposite: he believed the text only explains the pictures.

Third... there is a curious entry in one of his notebooks with relation to music..there is a puzzle melody in one of his notebooks.. the notes,la,mi,fa... etc
which can be translated into his native language...
"love makes me remember, it alone stirs my heart"

Have you solved the puzzle????
Just fill in your answer below and send it to Cmdr Ralph & Me!
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I'll beam you to a secret dimension!
Don't tell anyone it's secret!

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