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Roads of the Mid-South & West > Interstate Highways Shields of the United States

Interstates Shields of the United States of America

This is a collection of various shields from the interstate highways of the United States of America.  There are several different eras, font, and styles of shield posted around the nation.  We have broken them down into the state they are posted in.  Each shield has info on where it is (was) posted and the date the pictures was taken.  On each shield you can click to see a bigger picture.

When we take a picture of a shield we try for up to four (4) or five (5) shots of it.  This gives us the chance that at least one will turn out.  If you would like a full size shoot (or clearer one) sent to you, via e-mail, request it through the site-master e-mail on the front page.  When requesting a picture be sure to read the site disclaimer prior to making the request.

Happy Motoring!

Alabama Arkansas Georgia Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Ohio Oklahoma
Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Texas Virginia
West Virginia Wisconsin