 Book of the week

Daughter of Fortune
-Isabel Allende


From acclaimed international bestselling author Isabel Allende comes this dazzling historical novel, a sweeping portrait of an unconventional woman carving her own destiny in an era defined by violence, passion, and adventure. An orphan raised in Valparaiso, Chile, by a Victorian spinster and her rigid brother, young, vivacious Eliza Sommers follows her lover to California during the Gold Rush of 1849 -- a danger-filled quest that will become a momentous journey of transformation. In this rough-and-tumble world of panhandlers and prostitutes, immigrants and aristocrats, Eliza will discover a new life of freedom, independence, and a love greater than any ever dreamed.

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I loved this Novel. I really liked the way everytime a character came into the book the next whole chapter was about that character's life and so worth. This book was definitely a pager turner from page 1. I'm not going to reveal the ending but you will be more then surprised. A definitely unpredictable novel. (Great buys for used books)
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