DECEMBER with the CURRYsThe Currys stopped by the other night and left they kids here with Krista and I. We couldn't resist setting them up for a few photos. Enjoy!
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Decked out with her santa hat and santa slippers Kaneetah is the picture for December. The beautiful blanket below her is Angela's tree skirt brand new and hand made by her grandma (the same lady that makes the buttertarts) | |
Couch Time
Ignore the dirty bib and they are adorable. Kaneetah is still the perfect big sister. She takes great care of Kassidy. | |
Kassidy will be doing tricks soon. She laughs and makes tonnes more facial expression than ever before. Although I'd like to say she saves her biggest smiles for us I would be lying she saves them for Kaneetah. | |
Here is a photo of your second Christmas girl. If only her outfit was red. | |