Abstract :A new model of motivational behavior, described as a ten-level metaperspectival hierarchy of ethical terms, serves as the foundation for an ethical simulation of artificial intelligence. This AI system is organized as a tandem, nested expert system, composed of a primary affective language analyzer, overseen by a master control unit-expert system (coordinating the motivational interchanges over real time). The systematic organization of the ethical hierarchy allows for extreme efficiency in the programming of the respective knowledge bases, employing the principles of inheritance for modeling the more abstract levels of the hierarchy: allowing a precise determination of the motivational level at issue during a given verbal interchange (defined as the passive-monitoring mode). An optional active monitoring mode permits the posing of simple yes-or-no questions, allowing for clarification of ambiguous language input. This basic motivational determination, in turn, serves as the basis for the synthesis of a response repertoire tailored to the computer, simulating a sense of motivation in a given verbal interaction (defined as the true AI simulation mode). The AI mode operates in concert with the passive monitoring mode, and in potential alternation with the active monitoring mode. This preferred AI mode serves in interactive situations where ethical response parameters of a human quality are specified, such as in an interviewer, receptionist, or companionship mode.


Claims : I claim :

1. A means for enabling a computer to decode and simulate the use of affective

language within an ongoing verbal interaction comprising the steps of:

  1. determining the precise motivational parameters of an ongoing verbal interaction through a matching procedure with a multi-part schematic complement of power pyramid definitions, and
  2. utilizing said determination for employing a further sequence of linguistic transformations predicted from said schematic complement of power pyramid definitions, whereby enabling a computer to predict a next most probable response within an ongoing verbal interaction, or alternately, offering said next most probable

response as originating directly from said computer, simulating artificial intelligence

in an ethical mode.

  1. A device for decoding and simulating the use of affective language in an ongoing

verbal interaction, comprising:

  1. a matching procedure expert system matching said ongoing verbal interaction

against a multi-part complement of power pyramid definitions, and

(b) a master control unit expert system determining a next most probable response for

said ongoing interaction, in either a passive monitoring mode, or through use of

a sentence generator, offering said next most probable response as originating from

said computer,

whereby stimulating artificial intelligence in an ethical mode.