Our God Is An Awesome God
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We all need Prayer.

Can you think of someone in your life today who needs healing, or hope or encouragement?

Say this prayer for them and then send it on to the one you prayed for and back to me so I can send it again. If you can think of more than one person who needs prayer, then feel free to say this prayer for them.


May today there be peace within
May you trust your highest power that you
are exactly where you are meant to be....
May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have received,

and pass on the love that has been given to you....
May you be content knowing you are a child of God....
Let this presence settle into our bones,
and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
It is there for each and every one of you....

Can you imagine in your greatest imagination someone who is willing to die for you so that you can be saved. Your mother or father - maybe! Jesus loves you that much! In fact he loves you more and is waiting for you to come to him for peace. He can heal any hurt, whether it is physical, mental or spiritual. He can shoulder any burden, in fact He can take your burden away. All you need to do is to come Back to him, or ask him to come into your heart today. If you say this prayer out loud, I can promise you that remarkable things will happen in your life. I'm not saying that your life will be immediately easier, or that you will have money in the bank, or that the mortgage company will quit calling you for your house payment, but you will find a renewed peace inside. Allow God to come into your heart today.


Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner.

I need forgiveness.
I am sorry for my sins and I don't want to sin against You anymore.

I believe You are the Son of God and You died on the cross for MY sins.

I also believe that you rose from the dead so that I, too,
may have victory over the grave.

Please forgive me now Lord and cleanse me.
Come into my heart and give me a new life.

Thank You, Jesus,
for shedding your blood for me and for hearing and answering my prayer.



God, I offer myself to thee

To build with me and do with me as Thou wilt.

Relieve me of the bondage of self

That I may better do Thy Will!

Take away my difficulties

That victory over them may bear witness to those I would help

Of Thy Power, Thy Love and They way of life!






Now that I've accepted Jesus in my heart, what do I do?





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Journey of Hope - by Cathie Jones

Awannabeangel - Virginia Carty and family
Step inside to see the story of our miracle unfold.
The Lord brought our sister Laurie home safely to us after 42 years.
Given up for adoption in 1959, we were reunited in January 2002.
Both Laurie and I had been praying for this to happen.

Cathie Jones Paintings set with lovely inspirational poems and stories.

See Who Came Here Before You
Let me know you were here and leave your mark in the book!

Awesome God

Just Come In

A Rose is A Rose


My Place in this World

Joy In The Journey

Holding Me

All Because Of You

Something New

This Is My Heart's Cry

My Place is With You

I Will Be Free

Send Out A Prayer

I Cry

Listen To Our Hearts

My Life Is In Your Hands

I Will Be There

Face Of Love

Table Cloth

A Reason A Season A Lifetime

Empty Chair

Happy Birthday

If I could See the World


The Difference

Listen To Your Home

Centre of the Bible God Are You Listening?

Your Cross

Only God Knows

God Rocks

Wooden Bowl

The Big Wheel

Jai Cooley

Site Map


Journey of Hope

I'll Help You Cry

Email Me
