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Morning Comes

Just Come In

What do I see you dragging up here
Is that for your atonement
I know you're sorry
I've seen your tears
You dont have to show me

What makes you think
You must make that go away
I forgot when I forgave
I wish you were here

just come in
Just leave that right there
Love does not care
Just come in
Lay your heart right here
You should never fear

You think you've crossed some sacred line
and now I will ignore you
If you look up you will find
My heart is still toward you

Look at the sky the east to the west
Thats where I noticed when you first confessed
Let it go now
Just come in
Just leave that right there
Love does not care
Just come in
Lay your heart right here
You should never fear

I will forgive you
No matter what you've done
No matter how many times
You've done it wrong
I love you
Wish you'd come
Just come in
Just be that right there
Love does not care
Just come in
Lay your heart right here
You should never fear

Just come in
Just be that right there
I don't care.


performed by Margaret Becker from the Keep the Faith collection

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Just Come In

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